“There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.”
~ Mother Theresa
I certainly see this truism played out in my spiritual healing practice. Many people believe they're suffering from physical pain and disease, but its a spiritual craving for Love that often yearns to be satisfied.
It's not time and attention from fellow mortals that genuinely meets this need, but a feeling of being close to God, to divine Love itself, that closes the gap of loneliness and comforts the agonizing heart.
And the neat part is, as we draw closer to God, the embodiment of all Love, and live true to Love's purpose for our life, people often draw closer to us and become our friends. That which we thought we lacked, appears.
"Love is reflected in love," as Mary Baker Eddy wrote.
Thank, Evan!
Your last paragraph contains some important truths that I will ponder.
I know that what you're saying is true as I have experienced it in my life. At a time when I felt abandoned and betrayed by someone in a relationship that was precious to me, divine Love immediately came to my rescue by bringing someone to me to fill that need. And She did it several times afterward.
In time, newer, better, relationships have formed and been established that allow me to love and be loved. And they're more satisfying, perhaps, because I understand Divine Love better than before. Love really does feed that hunger in immediate, tangible ways.
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