Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Laughter for the day...

Would you like some healthy belly busting laughter?

A few spiritual moments in this video too...

"Kids say the darndest things," by Art Linkletter

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Most loving sermon in the world

I’ve had people over the years tell me that they thought Christian Science church services were boring, and I’ve been tempted to think the same myself in the past. But I don’t anymore.

A few months ago, a new perspective on the Christian Science church service took me over that has transformed my opinion probably forever.

One Sunday morning, I was listening to the lesson sermon, and rejoicing in the message I heard, which basically was a perfect God created a perfect man and I was that man!
Wow! I am not a sinner, as the carnal mind wants to keep convincing me of. I'm a perfect child of God now and should never forget it, I exuded joy over being reminded of.

However, this sinless view of man is not a commonly held opinion among much of humanity. Much of Christianity preaches fallen man, a being born into sin, and who suffers accordingly until saved by Christ, if they happen to be saved by Christ. Many are not saved, millions of believers contend.

Christian Science distinguishes between fallen Adam and perfect man made in God’s image. It teaches that the perfect man did not fall into a state of imperfection, but that the fallen Adam is a wrong view of man altogether. Man is not material, made of the dust. Man is spiritual, made in the image of God. Adam is a myth. Christ, understood, reveals this to be the case.

Each of us is made in God’s image. We have not lost our spiritual individuality. We do not have to regain it. We still have it! And we find it in Christ, in living, thinking and accepting spirituality as the only reality.

As I listened to the spiritual truth about myself being read from the Reader’s desk at my branch church, I thought, “This is the most loving message that could ever be preached in a church service. Anything less than perfect God and perfect man would be less than loving. Why? Because anything less than perfect God, Good, and perfect man, would make a case for evil. And that builds a case for suffering. That is not loving."

And this is why I’ve always come back to the Christian Science church services. I’ve been to many other churches over the years, and yes, I agree, several other churches have talented bands, choirs, singers, musical extravaganzas, video, PowerPoint presentations, and also very good preachers. But the underlying message has never hit home with me like I hear at the Christian Science service.

In Christian Science, I’m told that I was born a free man, a spiritual man, in God’s image, and I have a glorious spiritual inheritance to claim now. Heaven is not a place for a select view, and out of reach for others. Heaven is all-inclusive, here and now for everyone to experience, not through ritual or confession, but through spiritual mindedness and Christly living. I don’t have to feel guilty because of Adam's mistake. It was not my mistake. I’m not a hopeless sinner. I’m a beloved child of God with the full rights of spirituality and blessings of eternal life to experience and claim today! I’m a good person. That’s the way God made me, and the same rule applies to my neighbor. They are good too!

I can put up with a lot in terms of less than ideal music, small congregations, even fellow congregants who don’t talk to me. But when it comes to content,--the message being preached from the pulpit,--I have to hear the truth. And what I find in the Christian Science lesson sermon, of perfect God and perfect man, resonates with me to the core of my being. I feel like I’m home—right with God—the most loving and comforting place I could ever be.

And thus I concluded during my moment of enlightenment, that the Christian Science church service is the most loving service on earth I could ever attend. Not because of the people, but because of the message. It's spot on.
Man is incapable of sin, sickness, and death. The real man cannot depart from holiness, nor can God, by whom man is evolved, engender the capacity or freedom to sin. A mortal sinner is not God's man.“ Mary Baker Eddy

Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine flu

Oh mercy, headlines are filled with fear of a swine flu pandemic breaking out across the continent.

Now is not the time to watch and see what happens, but to determine what happens by metaphysically treating the population’s thought with spiritual truth that nullifies the fear and stops the flu.

Like a rock thrown into a pond sends ripples to the outer banks, our individual prayers leaven thought across North America to bring about peace and preserve health.

Your prayer makes a difference! And I know there are hundreds of prayer warriors that read this blog regularly. So, let’s jump in and help out, although you’re probably already on the job…

I find great comfort in Psalms 91, especially these two verses:

"Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling." Psalm 91

I pray to see that all people dwell under the government of the one Mind, God, divine Love, whose omnipresence protects and preserves the health and well being of each man, woman and child.

I pray to see that there is no space in the omnipresence of divine Love for flu to circulate or even exist. Love is all. Good is all. God is all.

I have confidence that when we take refuge in the truth that God, good is all, our mental/spiritual position dissolves fears on behalf of all mankind, removes cause for concern, and demonstrates that there is no reason for concern. Any evidence of swine flu disappears.

The spirituality of each individual is their protection from any belief of materiality, whether called swine flu, cold, or some other belief of contagion.

No one is a vulnerable mortal, but a forever protected immortal.

It can all stop now.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thrill of the unexpected

This video will put a big smile on your face...

Dancing in the train station

Saturday, April 25, 2009

You're okay now

A friend reminded me yesterday of something I told him a year ago, and of the healing effect it had on him.

He was about to board a plane for an extended overseas trip. He was in terrible pain and didn’t see how he could go.

My prayer was to see him as he spiritually was, okay and alright in the now. He didn’t need to recuperate from a problem he didn’t have, I believed.

To allay his fear of taking the trip, I said, “You are who you are wherever you are.” And I meant, you are spiritual now, you will be spiritual during the trip and you will be just as spiritual and harmonious when you arrive at your destination.

He got it!

He said the pain went away. He took the trip. All went well and there was no more trouble.

So, if you ever worry about whether you can do something tomorrow because you suffer today, you can drop the fear. You are okay today and will be tomorrow. You are not a struggling mortal. You are a harmonious immortal. You are spiritual, always have been, and always will be.

You are who you are wherever you are—spiritual, perfect, healthy and well.

Friday, April 24, 2009

What needs to change?

A reader sent in the below thoughts with a spiritual conclusion I just love…

I was listening to a gal on a Christian Science CD yesterday speak of her years as a teenager when she smoked, drank, experimented with speed and then developed an eating disorder. At one point, she realized she could die. As she discovered Scriptures and learned about God’s goodness and love and who she was spiritually, the bulimia, smoking, and drinking all fell away. She felt spiritual and whole,....which I find an amazing thing.

I liked her comment at the end, which was this:

I realized I didn’t need to change who I am.
I needed to change my view of who I thought I was.

Excellent point! And this is how Christian Science healing works. We don’t change who we are. We’re already perfect in God’s image. Healing is a discovery of what is spiritually true, and eternally so.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Susan Boyle

The Susan Boyle phenomenon is sweeping the globe... The Christian Science Monitor posted an article online today telling us more about what is behind the incredible stir she has started.

The Susan Boyle phenomenon: Redefining beauty, grace and success?

Life after death

After reading my blog last Thursday, “The young man was alive,” a reader sent me a life after death experience she had a few years ago. She gave me permission to share it with you.

Hi Evan,

I was reading your previous blog about being inspired by Jesus, as he raised the young man from the dead. You mentioned that you had heard reports of life after death. I want to add mine, as I think it is important but not something I would discuss in a testimony meeting.

About three years after I came into Christian Science, my husband was returning home late from a business trip. I had stayed awake to wait for him. I rose to walk down the hall and greet him, and just keeled over. (I had been diagnosed many years earlier with mitral valve prolapse, which has the belief of sudden death.)

Anyway, I remember it as clearly as yesterday, although it was about five years ago. I just took off, fast, no floating for me! I could see cities disappearing below me, and as I went, I felt myriad aches and pains of living just fall away. I still had a body, it was just changed. Then I saw a beloved uncle who had passed on two weeks before. He said, with a huge grin, "Well, look who's here!!!" Then it all faded and I was aware of a really unpleasant suffocation, I was back in my body trying to breathe, and my husband was calling to me. It was not fun to come back. It wasn't a conscious choice either. I think in terms of earth time I was gone for about 4 minutes. I did get a treatment from a practitioner for severe bruises on my leg and arm from the collapse, and I recovered fine.

I have been absolutely certain that there is no death ever since this event. The only people who are aware of death are the ones who are watching matter. It was absolutely seamless as far as consciousness is concerned. There was no pain, no fear or excitement, it was natural. Thought you would find this interesting.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Protection from complaint

Have you ever gotten probervially "sick and tired," of listening to another frequently complain?

Sometimes, it seems like we can't do anything about the other person's negative attitude, but we can always defend our mental home from the negativity and keep the bitterness out. God has endowed us with the capacity to think spiritually and love all the more. It is foolish to suffer for another's errors. God is Mind, and God is Love. We can claim a Mind of Love as our own, and stay inspired.

We should waste no time regurgitating the grievance or allowing resentment toward it to grow in our mental garden. Keep the ugly weeds out!
When another complains, don't let their complaining become your complaint!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Success between you and God

The community I live in has been amazingly insulated from the economic downturn facing the rest of the country and the world. Residents invested in the stock market have felt an impact, but the local economy is strong. Stores report robust sales. Hiring is on the increase. House prices have not declined like elsewhere. People are comfortable and happy. Money is flowing into our area because we have large talent and capacity for cleaning up the environment that is in demand worldwide.

One lesson I learn from watching the bubble economy we have in the Tri-Cities right now, is that when the world around you appears to be sinking, you do not have to sink with it. You can stay afloat.

Now, I don’t have any special spiritual reasoning why the Tri-City economy is strong, and will not speculate on that topic. But I do value the lesson of “Come out and be separate,” as Paul taught in the Bible.

Too often, people believe they have to suffer because everyone else is suffering. And this is not the case. All we need to succeed comes direct from God. Each of us has the ability to demonstrate this truth independent of what anyone else is experiencing.

God is the source of all supply. Prosperity and success are not functions of employment rates, interest rates, or the flow of credit. Success is between us and God, and amounts to listening to God, following divine direction, and fulfilling good and worthwhile purposes. What our neighbor is doing does not affect what we can be doing.

We must “Come out and be separate,” from any belief that denies us success.

This rule applies to health too. If a neighbor is unhealthy, that doesn’t mean we have to be unhealthy. We can stay healthy and help our neighbor too. God is the source of health, and the supply never stops flowing through us. This rule applies to a healthy body and a healthy economy.

So, if you think you have to suffer financially because the economy is in a slump, think again. This belief is illusion. You live in a divine economy where God meets every need. Your supply, coming from above, is just as robust, strong and present as ever.

God is your source. God is your supply. This truth, understood and accepted, is a bubble of protection that keeps your house in vital economic order. And it will put you in a position of being able to help others find their bubble of protection too.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The young man was alive

I’ve received great inspiration this week from studying the story in the Christian Science Bible Lesson about when Jesus raised the young man of the widow in Nain. See below for the story.

When I first read the story, I visualized Jesus walking up to a stretcher with a dead body on it, and talking out loud to a corpse, “Young man, I say unto thee, Arise.” And I asked myself, “What was Jesus talking to?”

The body was dead. There was no hearing, consciousness or mind in that body. It was lifeless.

Was Jesus talking to a dead brain expecting it to think about what he was saying? Was he talking to silent eardrums expecting them to hear? From a medical and physical point of view, these possibilities are ludicrous. And Jesus never was ludicrous. He acted more intelligently than any other man to trod the globe.

So, what was Jesus talking to?

Obviously, by the nature of his statement, he was talking to a living, thinking, hearing being. “Young man…arise,” is not something you say to a dead body. It’s something you say to someone who you know is hearing you and able to respond.

As I thought the scenario through, it seemed to me that Jesus saw the young man alive. Not in any kind of weird, convoluted, have to take it on faith, kind of distorted thinking, but very matter of fact. Jesus saw, literally, completely, the young man alive, hearing, thinking, listening, and he was breaking the human mesmerism surrounding the young man to help everyone else see that he was alive too.

I thought about many stories I’ve heard from people who had life after death experiences. They relate how they hovered above their bodies while being operated on, or above their cars that just got in a horrible accident. One lady recently told me of a friend who was riding his Harley Davidson through an intersection and got smashed by a car. Instantly, he was elevated above the accident scene looking down and watching his body roll across the highway. An ambulance came, took the body to the hospital, and he came back to tell his story.

Back to the young man, it seems that Jesus was not looking at a dead body. He was beholding and seeing a live, healthy, well young man. And he told him to make himself known for his mother’s benefit.

In Christian Science, we’re taught to behold God’s man, not a mortal man. Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science wrote,

Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick.” Mary Baker Eddy

Jesus was not talking to a corpse. He did not buy into the dream of death. He saw a healthy well child of God, not figuratively or wistfully, but literally, and he talked with him. He lifted human consciousness surrounding the funereal scene to a higher level to glimpse a bit more of what he saw spiritually. The effect was an improved human condition, the boy “rising from the dead,” and proving to the widow that all was well. Jesus beheld, through his perfect understanding of Truth, the spiritual child of God that never dies, but lives eternally.

And this also proves that we are not material bodies. We have a spiritual individuality that exists independent of matter and never can be killed, hurt or harmed by anything that happens to a physique. I find this very heartening…

And it came to pass the day after, that he went into a city called Nain; and many of his disciples went with him, and much people.
Now when he came nigh to the gate of the city, behold, there was a dead man carried
out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow: and much people of the
city was with her.
And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, Weep not.
And he came and touched the bier: and they that bare him stood still. And he said, Young man, I say unto thee, Arise.
And he that was dead sat up, and began to speak. And he delivered him to his mother. Luke 7:11-15

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Judge not according to appearance

You may have seen this youtube video because many people have, but I just love it because it's proof that you should never judge a package by its cover.

Let this woman wow you with her voice...Susan Boyle from Britain

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Struggles yield benefit

In response to my “Children overmedicated” blog posted last Monday, I received this comment from a teacher, which I thought was very insightful.

I've been thinking about the "Overmedication of children" blog since I have one building where at one time 75% of the kids were on meds for behavior control (mind-boggling isn't it!). One of the things I've learned over the years is the mindset behind a lot of this is our society has come to think struggle is bad. Kids shouldn't have to struggle to learn, parents shouldn't have to struggle to parent, teachers shouldn't have to struggle to teach, people shouldn't have to struggle to live, Christian Scientists shouldn't have to struggle and grow to be healed. Kind of interesting isn't it? Must be a by-product of a wealthy society immersed in labor-saving pre-packaged existence.

Some interesting points...

Not that struggles are events to look forward to, or suffering should be justified, but in the everyday crucible of human existence, answers to problems don’t always come easily. It may take struggle, grappling, humbling, patience and persistence to conquer a challenge and demonstrate a worthy ideal. Modern-day society's tendency to seek out quick fixes through the narcotic effect of medicine, absolving responsibility, and pointing fingers at others rather than at self, deprives adherents of the benefit that comes from engaging worthy moral and spiritual struggle until victory is obtained.

Jesus Christ certainly had his struggles. In Luke’s account of Jesus’ experience in the Garden of Gethsemane, he recorded, “And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly: and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.” (Luke 22:40) Now that’s a mighty struggle! But his steadfast trust and faith in “God’s will be done,” reaped a grand reward—eternal life in Spirit.

Struggles are not evil. They are purifying times that turn us from wrong to right, from the flesh to Spirit, from fear to love. When embraced correctly, they heal us. We do not have to run from them in fear, but can triumph over them in Love.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

NW Summit

I spent last weekend at the Timberline Lodge, located on a slope of Mt. Hood in Oregon, as a lecturer for a group of over 220 youth gathered from around the Northwest and other parts of North America. The participants were largely Christian Scientists, but also included many who knew nothing or very little about Christian Science.

The purpose of the conference was to strengthen the spiritual outlook of these individuals, provide an atmosphere of like-minded thinkers to become acquainted with, speak on the relevance of Christian Science to solving problems they face, and learn how to be more effective healers.

The weekend was a grand success. The love, friendliness, spirit, and joy of God youthfully expressed were palpable.

During the sharing time at the end of the meeting, one 20-something explained how she had soaked up Christian Science as a teenager and had read Science and Health every night before going to bed. While in college, she lost her love of the truth, wandered in the wilderness and eventually felt a wall erect between her and the message of the Comforter. She relayed how she came to the Summit highly skeptical of finding much good and facing this huge wall of resistance to listening. But part way through Saturday, she said “something clicked in my thought” on the subject and the wall tumbled down--completely. She expressed her joy of having that barrier to her spiritual progress dissolved and couldn’t wait to get back home and jump back into the Bible and Science and Health to continue her spiritual journey.

Another older teen shared how she had been overwhelmed with dizziness the day before, tracked down a practitioner to pray with her and was instantaneously healed on the spot.

One particularly moving account was shared by a 30 year old mother who learned about Christian Science two months ago. The Summit was her second exposure to its teachings, and she was thrilled to high heaven about the spiritual discoveries she was making. She recounted how when she first read some writings on Christian Science last January on the Web, she cried, “This is what I believe! This is what I believe!” She couldn’t wait to get back home and introduce her friends and neighbors to its ideas.

Hearts were touched, lives were changed, attitudes reformed, and healings happened. It was a special two days that bolstered the morale and love of dozens of youth who have since gone back to their respective communities with a stronger spiritual position to work out from for the good of all.

View from front side of lodge

View of Mt. Hood from back side of lodge

Monday, April 6, 2009

Children overmedicated

A thought-provoking article I just read in “The Washington Post National Weekly Edition,” states that the debate over the effectiveness of long-term drug treatment of children with hyperactivity or attention-deficit disorder has been reignited. For years, millions of parents have assumed these drug treatments were safe and okay to administer to their children over the long run. A recent study builds a case for an opposite conclusion.

The article stated, “In August 2007, the MTA (Multimodal Treatment Study of Children With ADHD), researchers reported the first follow-up data, which by then no longer showed differences in behavior between children who were medicated and those who were not. But the data did show that children who took the drugs for 36 months were about an inch shorter and six pounds lighter than those who did not.”

In light of this study that says that the drug treatment stunts the growth of children, I wonder what other aspects of the child’s experience is stunted? The study confirms short term benefits in child behavior modification, but over the long term the effects disappear and there is no difference between children who are medicated and those who are not, except that the medicated children are stunted.

Hmmm, this is not cool…

The article adds, “With the MTA having followed the children for eight years, the latest data have confirmed that there are no long-term differences between children who were continuously medicated and those who were never medicated.”

As I read this study, I grew increasingly grateful for the Christian Science approach to healing. People sometimes complain that Christian Science requires “too much work.” In other words, Christian Science demands reformation and spiritualization of thought for genuine healing. Some people don’t like to put in the work that spiritual healing asks. They want an easy way out. They don’t want to face their demons and conquer them. They turn to drugs. "Pop a pill and all your troubles go away," so some believe. But, as this study confirms, this is temporary illusion. There may be a short term effect, but the long term is not good, and can be quite the opposite.

Confirming many people’s tendency to dose with drugs rather than commit to character transformation and improvement, the article ended with this observation: “A yet-to-be-published study…found that 95 percent of parents who were told by clinicians to first try behavioral interventions for ADHD did so. When parents were given a prescription for a drug and then told to enroll their children in behavioral intervention programs, 75 percent did not seek out the behavioral approaches.”

It sounds like its time to get back to the “old-fashioned” approach and give the children what they really need. And that’s not more medicine, but more love, attention and care that enables them to feel closer to God, comforted by divine Love, and able to gain the resulting peace and calm that comes from being spiritually minded.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Eyes are for seeing

A reader forwarded a comical email to me for fun. It's rather silly, but the message has a way of sticking in thought if improved eyesight was a recent prayer.

Here it is:


If you rearrange the letters, it spells


Friday, April 3, 2009

Just for fun...

A knee-slapper sent in by a reader...

Subject: Holy E Mail

One day God was looking down at Earth and saw all of the rascally behavior that was going on. So he called one of His angels and sent the angel to Earth for a time.

When he returned, he told God, 'Yes, it is bad on Earth; 95% are misbehaving and only 5% are not.
God thought for a moment and said, 'Maybe I had better send down a second angel to get another opinion.'

So God called another angel and sent him to Earth for a time.

When the angel returned he went to God and said, Yes, it's true. The Earth is in decline; 95% are misbehaving, but 5% are being good.'

God was not pleased. So He decided to e-mail the 5% that were good, because he wanted to encourage them, and give them a little something to help them keep going.

Do you know what the e-mail said?
(scroll down)

Okay, I was just wondering, because I didn't get one either.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Overmedication of America

I read a book recently, titled, “Comfortably Numb: How psychiatry is medicating a nation,” by Charles Barber, a lecturer in psychiatry at the Yale University School of Medicine. Barber contends that Americans are horrendously overdosed in psychiatric medicines, and provides facts and stories to back up his case.

Some quotes from his book:

“In 2006, 227 million antidepressant prescriptions were dispensed to Americans—more than any other class of medication—and up by 30 million prescriptions since 2002.”

“Americans are responsible for almost half of the world’s prescription drug sales….In 2006, Americans—about 6 percent of the world’s population—bought about two-thirds of the world’s psychiatric and neurological drugs. In 2006, 66 percent of the global antidepressant market was accounted for by the United States.”

“To say that we are the most medicated nation on earth is an absurd understatement. To say that
we are the most psychiatrically medicated nation on earth is a prodigiously absurd understatement.”

Barber is not arguing that the medicines should be done away with, but that Americans are putting too much faith in them. He gives examples of how advertising campaigns lull consumers into believing doses of these drugs are healthy for them, when quite the opposite is true. He also contends that Americans are sanitizing themselves with drugs to avoid dealing with the highs and lows of human experience. They are practicing a form of escapism rather than working life's problems out constructively.

He wrote:

“It has been widely observed that the SSRIs [form of antidepressant drug] put many people at a sort of remove from reality, a distance from the self. I’ve seen SSRIs block out both the good and the bad, numbing us to the pandemonium of life….The emotional highs and lows are excised from experience, and one exists in a slightly foggy middle ground….They function; they don’t get too excited or too upset. They get by. They come to inhabit an inauthentic and less challenging existence and embrace a uniquely American form of emotional sanitation.”

This last observation is what I have noted in people on antidepressant drugs. They are not themselves anymore. They are drugged into a state of semi-individuality that loses touch with reality.

Of course, there is a need to help people out of depressive states of mind that cause them to struggle, and healing is possible through prayer and spiritual treatment of thought. There is one Mind, and it’s a happy healthy Mind which everyone is divinely designed to express.

Heavy and dark states of mortal mind may seem to weigh that joy down for a spell in the human mind, but it cannot endure. Christ is ever-present in human consciousness helping each individual find the light that brings genuine joy back into their experience.

Barber still advocates medicine for severe depression, mostly because he knows no other way to cope with it. He’s willing to compromise on the tough cases. But for the most part, he encourages his readers to deal with life’s realities rather than trying to avoid them through drugging.


Americans are way too overmedicated. Books like this help snap lulled consumers out of complacency and acquiescence to ever-increasing doses of medicine that do great harm and avoid dealing with the real issues of life through logic, reason and spirituality.

Everyone has a right to live an authentic life! But it won’t be found in a drugged-up state of mind. It’s found through spiritual growth, increased spirituality and consecrated prayer.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

No long drawn out suffering

I struggled with a little health issue for a few days recently that ordinarily would vanish with a short prayer. It was not a big deal, but I got a bit bothered by why it hadn’t yielded quickly this time.

Then it struck me while reading the newspaper and noticing several articles on how the present economic recession is the longest since the Great Depression, and so on, that the prolonged bodily trouble was mimicking a form of recession. Not a financial recession, in my case, but a mini-health recession.

The media is currently permeated with economic prognosticators predicting increased prolonged financial suffering over the coming months. There is no acceptance that the economic calamity could instantly end, today for instance. It’s assumed by just about everyone that suffering is to continue and grow worse for a long period of time.

Well, this is not a Christianly scientific position to take. It’s all error of reasoning, and ignorance of God’s economy which is abounding in supply right now. But the majority of people believe this depressing assessment of the recession, and thus the symptoms prophesied continue to grow and accelerate.

I thought, if a person accepts the claims of recession financially, wouldn’t he also be susceptible to accepting the claims of recession in other ways in his life, perhaps in the form of a “health recession,” or a “marital recession,” or a "joy recession," and so on?

Aw, this was enlightening! As I said, the health issue was minor for me, but suddenly I realized a very large spiritual lesson I was to learn from it that would benefit me and the people I help everyday. And it’s this, don’t buy into any recessionary claims, no matter how far removed they may appear to be from you financially!

God’s economy never goes into recession. In fact, it’s all about expansion, ever-unfolding views of infinite goodness and supply. There is no withering away of substance, disappearance of adequate supply, or lack of opportunity. God is infinite. God’s economy is infinite. It never shrinks, diminishes or causes suffering for its inhabitants. It’s an economy of Mind where Love provides without fail. And this truth can be applied and demonstrated in the full spectrum of human experience, from business activities, to social, familial, marital, mental and health conditions.

So, I encourage you to not accept long drawn out suffering for anyone, even if you feel fine. Evil suggestions need to be put off and replaced with spiritual truth to prevent suffering for the benefit of all. God’s love is present and adequate to the need of the moment for everyone.

I presently like to think not in terms of being in a recession, but in an ever-expanding view of God’s infinite love and care for all of creation.

Oh, and yes, the health nuisance vanished…


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