Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Where to start your prayers

I often been told by people, “I have so many problems, I don’t know where to begin my prayers.”

I can relate to the feeling. If I made a list of all the errors of belief I’d like to see conquered today, the list might get fairly long and appear overwhelming to my sense of possibility.

The whole problem of working out our salvation, overcoming mortality and discovering Life eternal is not a flick-of-the-switch accomplishment. It requires major spiritual growth, patience, perseverance and consecrated humility at times to take a single step in the line of advancement. But none-the-less we have to start somewhere and knowing where to begin makes the journey much easier.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote

The author never knew a patient who did not recover when the belief of the disease had gone. Remove the leading error or governing fear of this lower so-called mind, and you remove the cause of all disease as well as the morbid or excited action of any organ. Science and Health, p. 377.
“Remove the leading error…” is wise counsel for knowing where to focus one’s prayers.

Posted by Picasa We do not have to solve all the problems of mortality in one fell swoop to be healed of a single disease. We do not have to conquer every fear and ill we face in order to be free of the pressing issue of the moment.

Step by step we get to where we need to be. Take one step at a time and you'll reach your destination.

What is the “leading error or governing fear,” of the moment? Focus prayer in that direction and you will make the quickest progress possible. And once that fear is gone, you’re ready to tackle the next one successfully.

(If you read my blog above on “Don’t give up,”…like chopping wood, one whack at a time in the most vulnerable spot, and the log splits.)


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Evan. I love reading your blog entries!

Anonymous said...

Evan, you are right on tract with your comments/references and the foot prints in the sand.


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