A person sitting in the house in a room with the curtains closed sees nothing of the light and beauty around his abode. He sits in darkness wondering why life is so dim and dreary.
The occupant who throws opens the curtains and lets in the light rejoices in the warm sunshine and the awe-inspiring flowers, grass and trees surrounding his home. Beckoned by the beauty and promise of adventure, he walks out the door to participate, leaving the structure behind.
Jesus preached, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Heaven is at hand!
How close is “at hand?”
How close is your hand?
It’s closer than close. It’s attached. You have it now. It’s here. You’re in the kingdom at this moment.
Christian Science explains that heaven is not a physical place, but a state of Mind. We find heaven, not in a material world, but in spiritual consciousness.
Material sense is the darkened room of the house that has all the curtains closed. The view is dismal. Throw open the curtains—open thought to Spirit—and the light pours in.
Spiritual awareness is an open window to the kingdom of heaven at hand.
So, if you’d like a brighter day today, fling open the draperies of the human mind. Toss off a material sense of your environment, and consciously live in the omnipresence of God, good.
Let the light of Truth and Love flood your perspective and illuminate heavenly good abundant.
Let God light up your life!
“Christians rejoice in secret beauty and bounty, hidden from the world, but known to God.” Mary Baker Eddy