It came pointedly to my attention this week how a medical view can sometimes not see spiritual healing happening right under its nose.
I was reviewing a major healing that happened in my practice years ago. It involved a pregnant mother who was diagnosed with a toxic blood condition deemed potentially fatal to the baby. The woman’s doctor wanted to take major medical action to alleviate the condition, including blood transfusions. I don’t believe the doctors considered the condition curable, but saw it as manageable.
The mother chose to treat the condition through Christian Science, and together we worked for a spiritual healing, which did occur and magnificently so.
However, during the five months of the pregnancy we prayed together and demonstrated safety for the baby and mother, it seemed the doctors never could accept in their mind that a healing could or would happen. They had predetermined the outcome as not good, and all ensuing evaluations, predictions and prophesies were based on that opinion. They saw what they expected, yet they didn’t, because healing was happening all along. It was an ironic twist. It wasn’t until the baby was born, examined thoroughly and then seen to be in perfect health that their mind changed about the condition and all their fears disappeared.
One lesson to be learned from this is how important it is to not let medical views taint our perspective, for if they do, we see things medically, and it often is not good and can hinder our seeing things spiritually which is what brings healing.
But another lesson came out of this for me. It has to do with people who practice Christian Science and are married to a spouse, or related to someone close, who does not practice Christian Science and has strong medical views.
I’ve seen where the practicing Christian Scientist goes into agony about how to deal with the person who doesn’t understand the spiritual approach. They fret and worry, and maybe even feel under attack by the medical view.
It’s important for the practitioner of spiritual healing to find peace about this so thought can be wholeheartedly focused on the truth that heals and not on distraction that doesn’t heal.
In these situations, I find it helpful to accept that the medical view generally doesn’t understand how spiritual healing happens, and so, essentially, just doesn’t get it. I don’t mean this in a negative way, but in a matter-of-fact-way.
Even when healing is happening, the medical view often doesn’t see it, as if it isn’t even happening. It’s only when some outward evidence is so blatantly obvious that they can’t deny it anymore that a transformation in attitude may occur--or may not! Even when a healing happens they may still deny God’s hand at work and say “Oh it would have happened anyway.” My point here is not to argue or agitate about it, but to illuminate what is happening in the mental atmosphere so the metaphysician can more readily deal with it.
Jesus constantly dealt with people who didn’t understand what he was all about or teaching. He was patient with them though, continuing to explain truth over and over again, hoping and praying that eventually they would get it. But in the meantime, he did not let the ignorance and denial stop him from progressing. He knew the human mind was not an obstacle to his individual success in turning to God and finding the help he needed. He stayed in a pure consciousness of Love, stayed true to God, and prospered all the way.
We can do the same. No one ever stands in our way of making a spiritual demonstration. Success depends upon what God is doing for us, not upon what someone who doesn’t understand is not doing for us.
Keep moving ahead with your prayers and demonstrations despite antagonism you may feel from certain quarters. It’s just an opportunity to love more and let your example of spirituality shine forth brighter than ever.
Thanks, Evan for this great insight! I think I've stood in my own way before by wanting a healing to happen so I can prove to others that CS does work. But that thinking just gets in the way of spiritually clearing my thought to be able to see that the healing is there.
I so very much admire that mother for sticking with the truth. You second point was what about CSist married to a non-CSist who uses medicine. I would like to know about the CSist who finds himself seemingly having to use medicine. He is still an earnest student of CS, serving his branch church, and progressing daily. He tries to realize that healing is going on under the surface, even though the doctors say it is incurable. Do you think scientific prayer can overcome this?
I would just like to point out that not all doctors are so limited to their thinking. My sister was born with several severe health problems, my mother was already a but even the doctor mentioned that she should seek the help of C.S. My sister was healed thanks to the help of a C.S. practioner and a lot of love. Maybe just loving the doctor who is treating you will help to keep an open mind for all. Christian Science is all too often miss understood, unfortunately. It all comes down to love.
Hi Bob,
Oh yes, scientific prayer can overcome any problem. It's all a matter of spiritual growth and increased understanding on the part of the student.
Medicine never gets in the way of a healing. It's faith in medicine that gets in the way. As that faith is transfered from matter to Spirit, thought opens more and more to the healing power of Spirit and allows for spiritual healing to happen. So, medicine is not the issue. Where is one's faith? In matter or Spirit? That's the bigger issue. And that's where prayer comes in, to strengthen faith in Spirit. As faith in Spirit grows, clinging to medicine or believing it is necessary falls away, along with the fear that brought dependence on it in the first place, and healing happens.
Thank you ever so much, Evan, for sharing these ideas--they are tremendously helpful and exactly what I needed to know!
This is wonderful, Evan. I've seen exactly the same kinds of healings in my little practice. It really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, but we do have to know that. Otherwise fear sneaks in. Thanks so much for your clear articulation of these ideas. Also, your little article yesterday on judging righteous judgement was a big help all day long.
Thank you Evan for this post. It has reminded me of the healing that has been going on in my family [which you have "been there" with me] The turning point was when my husband was having surgery after surgery trying to "fix" matter that I asked you for help in my despiration. And, your response that right now we can see him as the Christ man, let's claim that is who he is and he knows it, changed my perspective. I stopped going through the trial and began to slowly not get into the "process" going on even though I was supportive financially, at hospitals and in Doctors offices. This was my lesson, to see all mankind as the expression of the Christ man, if not, where are they then? You helped me not over react, to stay calm, to pray without ceasing, to have a conversation with God, before I open my mouth [hopefully]. Bottom line, my husband is interested in the principles of Christian Science now, on his own, and is almost completely free from a disabling situation. I know God is his life and he is the Christ man. I am not pressured to bring him the truth, as he is the Truth expressed, we all already are. Thank you so much for your pure thought and your ability to help.
With love!
To above,
You are welcome! Thanks for sharing your story. It is very inspiring and offers hope to others in similar situations.
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