Friday, February 12, 2010

If you feel stuck, maybe you need to move

I busted out laughing when I watched this video clip...

What's keeping you stuck in your life?

Too often we get so dependent on material support systems that we don't think we can live without them. When they fail, we feel stranded, stuck and unable to move.

In truth, we're never stuck. We have all the help we need coming from God, and we don't need to yell for it to have it. A willingness to leave the old habit and take a few brave steps forward prove we're not stuck at all.



Anonymous said...

It reminds me of what the whole education system of today teaches: reliance on something other than God.
Likewise, practically every movie story or TV show series one watches today; they are devoid of anything religious. Where is reliance on God?

Anonymous said...

I laughted out loud at this also. There is something about a common mind set going on here. Neither of these individuals can see that it would take only one step to get going again. If just one of them took one brave step, then the other individual could follow suit. Love this example -- it gives much food for thought. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Am I believing that I am stuck, immobilized,
anywhere, in my experience? Hmmmm....

Ok, yes, perhaps I do.

But, according to the teachings of Christian Science, God's idea man is not "stuck:"

"Mind, joyous in strength, dwells in the realm of Mind.
Mind's infinite ideas run and disport themselves. In humility they climb the heights of holiness."
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by
Mary Baker Eddy, Pg. 514)

Therefore, it is my affirmative prayer today, (and thanks, Evan, for this reminder via the humorous video today-that-says-a-1,000 words): I am not stuck, for God, infinite Mind, could never be stuck, and I am His joyous image!

What wonderful news, this freeing Truth!


Kate said...

Oh my goodness...I love love love this!!! Thanks Evan...I've plagi-posted it on my FB wall (citing you...of course). What a great kick in the pants!! thanks, k.

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