Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A little change can make a big difference

Have you ever made a little adjustment in your attitude that resulted in a major change in your life?

I just took a short tennis lesson on how to improve my second serve. I’d been hitting the ball into the net and double faulting too often. In fact, I was feeling a bit hopeless about my second serve wondering if I’d ever get it right!

Well, two minutes into my lesson, my coach had me adjust my grip on the racket slightly. I served again. Boom! The ball went over the net correctly, and with spin too. Wow! I proclaimed. A long sought after success!

I was ebullient with my newfound freedom. And I couldn’t help but notice that such a little change made such a huge difference.

I looked for the spiritual lesson.

Sometimes we agonize over troubles that go on and on without relief. They go on so long that we might even give into despair and discouragement about relief. But a simple and slight little adjustment is often all it takes to make a complete turnaround.

That’s what happened to my second serve. I already had most of the basic moves down correctly, but my grip was not quite right for what I was able to follow through with on my swing. A little adjustment in how I held the racket made all the other moves work and the ball started going over the net correctly!

Likewise, in life, you could very well be “making most all the right moves,” but in need of one slight adjustment that enables all those right moves to bear fruit.

Have you ever noticed in the past that a little more patience, gentleness or kindness immensely improved a human relationship? Maybe a bit more understanding, willingness to listen and consider another’s point of view was the difference between out-and-out conflict and a fruitful conversation.

Sometimes just a little adjustment in attitude, perspective or inclination can make everything else work together for a good outcome. It doesn’t have to be a big deal. This rule applies to resolving relationship issues, finding financial solutions, and curing the body of disease. Just a little change in perspective can be the difference between repeatedly struggling and getting into the flow.

So, look for those little adjustments that can make a big difference! A little may turn out to be a lot.

Have a great day.


Ben Vaughan said...

What a helpful thought! Thank's so much for sharing it, Evan.

Anonymous said...

I like that - that sometimes it just takes a "little" adjustment in thinking to solve the entire problem - wonderful to think about.
Thank you as always. Vicki

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Evan! This morning as I read the lesson-sermon, {and before I read your email :-)}, that same thought occurred to me. I have been 'working' out a health issue of many years standing, and have seen the need for adjustment in thinking--but today the statement on p. 231:31 really stood out. Along with that the statement on p368:15--as I thought about these and the other beautiful, powerful statements in our lesson-sermon, I feel so much strengthened. In fact, I feel joyous--how wonderful to FEEL joy instead of fear, despair, dismay.
It indeed does take an adjustment,
yielding to the divine law of Love and trusting Truth to do the 'work', assured there is nothing to oppose it. Thanks for all you share.

Kate said...

love it...did you mean "hitting the ball into the net" though? or were you really "hitting the net into the ball"? Either way, it's a great piece with very helpful ideas...love, k.

Evan said...

Hi Kate,

Oh that's funny! Missed that edit error. Thanks! You're the first to point it out...


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