Sunday, November 22, 2009

The church of Spirit

I’m going to worship in the church of Spirit today. Oh, what a delightful place to be!

The church of Spirit is not a place on this earth, a building of stone, or a portal on the Internet. The church of Spirit is a state of divine Mind that knows no bounds, no roof or ceiling, no walls or confines.

The church of Spirit is God’s glory, heavenly Love, powerful Truth and deep profound peace. It’s a super inspired state of thought that is so brimming over with love that it knows no fear, worry or doubt. It does not fret or toil. It is not wrestling with challenges and conflicts. It is not in the world trying to figure out solutions to human problems. It is in the Spirit where Life is the solution!

There are no empty pews in this church. There are no cavernous tombs, relics of days gone past, musty smelling curtains, and time-worn carpets. There are no unpleasant sensations, no mournful outlooks, and no sentimental attachment to ways things used to be. There is only the newness of Life inspiring thought to greater heights of revelation, total release of the earth and its burdens, and freedom. Freedom!

Oh, what freedom one finds in the church of Spirit! It’s all joy and buyoant hope there, awesome beholding of grand and sweeping views of spiritual reality.

There is no material thought-taking, no human angst, ire, anger or resentment. No harsh judgment, no criticism, suspicion, or disparagement in the embrace of this church. Just freedom, glorious freedom from all the burdens of believing life could be anything other than pure existence in Spirit.

Church. It’s not a material place. It’s the omnipresent love of God felt and known to the core of our being. It’s a profoundly calm and holy space to occupy. It’s a most wonderful place to worship God, the creator, source and supplier of the universe. It’s all we could ever wish for, hope to have or experience to bring us into the presence of the Divine. It is the presence of heaven, our home with God, and I can’t imagine any other place I’d rather be.

P.S. I’m still going to drive across town and regularly worship with my neighbors at a local congregation of fellow seekers of truth. But I’m not going to arrive at the site, walk into the building and see less than ideal conditions and ask “Where is church?” I’m going to bring it with me.

Enjoy going to Church today!


Anonymous said...

I visited a church today that seemed lost in time and had a very small congregation but then I remembered the definition of church "the structure of Truth and Love" and remembered that right after that Mrs. Eddy said it is an institution that affords proof of its utility. It ended up being a very uplifting service amd very healing. So glad I didn't bow down to what sense testimony was telling me. Your comments were very powerful and will help keep me focused in future about church.

Anonymous said...

What a great insight. Thank you. The question that arises is how do we get to that super inspired state of thought? I suppose there are as many ways to this inspired state of thought as there are spirtual ideas. Someone like you can find inspiration in every day life, even in a dirty kitchen. I like what Mrs. Eddy says, "Jesus distinguised between the real and the unreal until a perfect consciousness was obtained." I find it hard to stay in that super inspired state. But one way that helps is to challenge the material beliefs I keep asking myself what am I seeing ? and what am I believing?

Lorna said...

My branch church experienced troubles with our sound system this morning, but you know what? I still felt God's embrace during that service, me being one of the individuals up on the podium. I did pray during the occasional sound system feed-back, but did not let it get me down, or fluster me. I think that I just might have been in tune with "the church of Spirit".

Evan said...

To above,

Yep, it takes practice and more practice! to stay spiritually in tune. It's a commitment to listen to Spirit instead of to the rackety noisy material senses. When you love growing spiritually more than you love indulging in material sense, it gets easier and easier.

Janice said...

What a perfect concept of what "church" really is! Very refreshing and uplifting. Thanks so much.

Cindy Schneider said...


DrDee said...

If that was church even I would go.
I went to witness a friend be ordained in a local Anglican church recently. It was a hot morning and at first the atmosphere was heavy. But after the eucharist everything had changed; the atmosphere was Spirit-charged. If that's what happens no wonder people go regularly.
Blessings :)

Holly said...

Just catching up on blog reading this morning ... of course, all of your blogs are a welcomed sight in my in-box, all of them insightful and helpful ... but this one is a keeper, one that I will copy and paste into a Word document, and store in my CS folder to read over and over. Thank you, Evan!

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