Do you feel content today?
If not, you can!
Feeling genuine contentment is a priceless gift from God. It is part of being a child of God. It is a part of the life God has given you to live. It is built into your being, and it is natural and normal for you to experience on a routine basis.
How could that be when I feel so discontented with life? One might ask.
And this is where a material sense of life must be separated from the spiritual.
A material sense of life measures success, position and status in material terms. It connects happiness with cash in the bank, satisfaction with lusts indulged, and progress with things acquired, recognition achieved, or earthly goals reached. Material sense reasons out from lack and strives to fill perceived voids with some sort of material supply. It is discontented from the beginning.
Spiritual sense, though, is quite the opposite. It reasons out from the bounty and riches of Spirit, seeing completeness and wholeness from the beginning. Spiritual sense perceives the whole child of God made in the divine likeness where there is no lack. Spiritual sense does not strive “for more,” but is grateful for “what is.” Spiritual sense sees what God sees, and rejoices in it.
God’s creation is complete, whole, now! It does not lack. Man, as God’s image, is complete, whole, now! She/he does not lack.
Genuine contentment is the outcome of spiritual reasoning. It does not look around materially and see lack that needs to be displaced. Spiritual sense sees supply that never left.
Paul wrote, “I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Philippians.
Paul didn’t mean that we need to be content with lack, want and deprivation. Quite the opposite! He meant that right in the face of lack we can discern the spiritual supply that corrects that picture of want. Jesus did this every time he healed the sick, raised the dead and fed the hungry. He proved there is no lack.
Christian Science gives us the spiritual insight we need to do this—to look beyond the physical to the spiritual—and discern the riches and bounty of God at hand, here and now!
Rejoicing in the spiritual wealth of God, here and now, brings genuine contentment. It is a gift from God to feel this, and has been built into the spiritual perspective of each and every one of us.
Enjoy feeling content today!
Thank you, Evan. I appreciate being directed away from a picture of want to a never-ending spiritual supply. Your message is clear and a wonderful reminder to look beyond mortal longings to the true satisfaction provided by infinite Spirit.
Thank you Evan. I'm so grateful that the truths I have learned from studying Christian Science have made me feel content and fulfilled. We don't lack a thing. We have everything we need at each moment. You phrased it all so perfectly in todays message.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Good thoughts on contentment. For more exploration of Paul's
"secret" you might enjoy the book Journey to Joy (
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