Saturday, April 25, 2009

You're okay now

A friend reminded me yesterday of something I told him a year ago, and of the healing effect it had on him.

He was about to board a plane for an extended overseas trip. He was in terrible pain and didn’t see how he could go.

My prayer was to see him as he spiritually was, okay and alright in the now. He didn’t need to recuperate from a problem he didn’t have, I believed.

To allay his fear of taking the trip, I said, “You are who you are wherever you are.” And I meant, you are spiritual now, you will be spiritual during the trip and you will be just as spiritual and harmonious when you arrive at your destination.

He got it!

He said the pain went away. He took the trip. All went well and there was no more trouble.

So, if you ever worry about whether you can do something tomorrow because you suffer today, you can drop the fear. You are okay today and will be tomorrow. You are not a struggling mortal. You are a harmonious immortal. You are spiritual, always have been, and always will be.

You are who you are wherever you are—spiritual, perfect, healthy and well.


Anonymous said...

Before reading this, I'd been wondering if I'd be able to participate in an activity next week considering I wouldn't be if it were today. Thanks for the wake-up reminder that concern about tomorrow can only occur if we're not identifying ourself correctly today. As God's spiritual idea, I am always able... even now... no recovery necessary. Once again, your sharing has brought a blessing... with a smile. Thanks, Evan!

Anonymous said...

My grateful thanks too, Evan, for the help you give me through your sharing in this way. You're a great "pick-me- upper"....

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