There are a number of people who saw the economic collapse coming long before it actually happened. In preparation, they saved their money, stayed out of debt and maintained a very conservative financial position. As the stock market has sunk and other assets have deflated, they’ve jumped in and bought up assets on the cheap, and they continue to build their acquisitions as prices sink even lower. They are not suffering at all, but actually prospering.
One lesson I learn from watching these attuned individuals, is that there are always signs ahead of time of what is around the corner, and if one is paying attention and heeding those signs, one will be prepared.
Another impending collapse that may be on the horizon is not economic, but health-wise.
For many years, health experts have been predicting a pandemic flu of worldwide proportions and calamity. It’s only a matter of time they argue. Every year, more articles are published by these scientists with increasing evidence that strains of flu are intensifying, becoming resistant to medical treatment and plaguing people with more severe symptoms.
Two days ago, I heard that 174 children were absent from a local middle school of around 600 children because of illness, presumably flu related. Flu season, they call it.
Mortal mind has a way of fulfilling its prophecies. The pandemic flu is one prophecy that needs to be prevented and pre-empted from happening. It is an unnecessary crime against humanity for a fear of flu to grow to such proportions that people feel useless to combat it or to do anything about it.
God is all-power, and able to stop disease from spreading. Flu is an error of belief that can be countered with spiritual truth and prevented. But to be protected, one must pray and gird their spiritual armor.
Millions of people have already proved the power of prayer to prevent and cure disease, including flu, so how to stop the plague is not an issue. Actually jumping in with the proper spiritual work to be successfully protected probably is the issue!
Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “…those who discern Christian Science will hold crime in check.”
Christian Science explains how God governs the universe. God does not govern through fear and intimidation. God governs through love and good-will. The love of God, at work within, is sufficient to defend one from the flu or any threat of disease.
A Christ-consciousness of truth and love is a sure defense against the flu. It is spiritual immunity from contagion, and it is humanity’s hope of salvation from any pandemic flu predicted for the future.
Let’s head it off now and prevent having to work out of a deeper hole later.
If you have wondered why this came to your mind, we came very close to a man made avian flu pandemic this week, as the live virus was mixed in with a flu virus sent to 18 countries by an Austrian company called Baxter. I believe God intervened, because it was caught before being widely distributed. If it hadn't been caught, we would shortly be facing a panedemic like that of which you speak. I believe that God led you to pray for this, so thank you for responding!
Very interesting...I was not aware of that development. But it did seem odd to me why suddenly I felt a pressing and urgent need to address the issue when there were no headlines about it at the moment. Perhaps, now I know!
Agreed! Another testament to the power of prayer and the benefit of listening to God. Your point about prevention (in this case, via stopping the contaminated vaccines)was a great one. We tend to think of healing after the fact. Why not pray for prevention? Thanks again!
Where or how can we find out more info about the almost pandemic? How are you aware of it?
I found the article, never mind.
Under the Church By-Laws, Article VIII: Alertness to Duty: It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to defend himself daily against aggressive mental suggestion, etc.
I find this comforting in dealing with panedemic reporting.
A few years ago if someone was sneezing, wheezing, or coughing around me in a confined space, or a clerk was doing so before handing back change to me, I'd think, e-yuu. But now through CS study I see that such suggestions of ill health have nothing to do with me. Or them. Or anything. And I feel compassion instead for their current difficulty.
That also removed any concern I may have had about pandemics.
Every time I 'locally' reject that suggestion of sickness and contagion at that point of most immediacy and express compassion instead, I know I'm also pleading broadly against such.
Very wise, and sooo healing!
Flu=influenza. Influence. What is influencing me?
That uncovers to me what is in my thought that should not be there.
Latin=fluere means to flow in. Hence influence, influenza.
Replace it with Grace, the gift of divine love ever flowing in to human consciousness
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