When I read news about the latest billionaire to commit suicide because of huge financial losses from making poor investment decisions over recent years, I thought, “If these people understood what life was all about, they would not commit suicide.”
Merckle, heir to a pharmaceutical fortune in Germany, and the investor who took his life, lost $1.4 billion investing with ponzi-scheme artist Madoff, as well. He has had his share of bad news.
But life is so much more than money! I ask, "How can thought get so lost in the illusion of monetary wealth that all sense and reason vanishes from thinking, and no reason to live can be found just because money was lost?" This should not be so…
Money is no big deal in the eternal scheme of things. God sustains us forever regardless of how much money we have on earth. Money comes and goes, but the riches of Spirit are forever ours.
Yes, we are accountable for our decisions and must at-one for our mistakes, but there is no better place to make adjustments than in the here and now. Committing suicide does not make one wiser, more intelligent, or a better decision-maker. It is an illusion of escape that must be overcome too.
It’s better to face our problems now and rectify them. God gives us the help we need to align our affairs with principle, build on a better foundation, make amends, pay off our debts, fix our problems and conduct business with integrity.
If there is a need to live super modestly, compared to the past, while making adjustments, that is okay. That could be a good thing. Humility is wealth. Living humbly can be a very progressive step, bringing thought closer to God, teaching the riches of gratitude and valuing the simple things in life.
Life is so much more than money.
Life is spiritual. It’s a gift from God. It’s precious and to be honored and respected by living it.
Fame, fortune and portfolios come and go, but not life. Life is a constant. It is the goodness, love and peace of God embraced, valued and expressed moment by moment. We all can experience the blessings of life, divine Life, independent of what financial numbers cross the screen on any given day.
Life is bigger than the numbers, even when there's a minus sign in front of them.
Several years ago when I was ill and had to quit my job, it seemed hopeless; I had bills, some quite large and somedays I would get very down and think is life worth living. But then I would rememer tht God is Life, my Life and that there was no place to go - He was here and meeting every need. I oculdn't leave Life. I have learned to live on much less and be full of joy and gladness and am satisfied with all the God that God is providing. So much gratitude for all that I am learning. Vicki
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