Monday, November 3, 2008
Think for yourself
I read in the newspaper this morning that the combined Obama/McCain campaigns are spending $8 per vote in this election campaign. Around $1 billion have been donated and spent to affect the outcome on November 4th.
One billion dollars! Oh, my goodness, I agitated. That is a huge amount of money targeted toward swaying public opinion.
It also symbolizes a monstrous bulk of human will at work in the mental atmosphere of this country tugging at people’s minds to get their vote.
Madison Avenue has been working overtime with advertisements intended to turn voters toward chosen candidates and away from others.
In many ways, there is a mass hypnotism at work utilizing opinion, emotion, negative campaigning and statement of partial truths to influence ballot results. It is wise that we protect our mental home from being invaded by these undesirables. If let in, they mislead reasoning, muddy the view from seeing truth accurately, and deprive us of dominion over our own decision-making.
We must think for ourselves! Or better yet, turn to God for direction, and let the divine Mind guide our voting decisions.
How to do this?
One way, is to keep thought clear of negative emotions. The clear mind is the spiritually inspired consciousness that is filled with love, goodwill, patience, understanding and wisdom. When overrun by these qualities, we have dominion over decision-making, and think clearly about the options before us.
Advertising has a role to play when it informs the public of truth, but so often that is not the case at all. So, we have to be wise, come out and be separate from the noise and din blaring over the media-waves, and find our help from above.
God knows and understands what this country needs to prosper and advance. As we collectively listen for God’s guidance, we’ll vote for candidates who most nearly embody the need of the moment and move the country forward.
We can listen to God as we cast our ballot this election season, and ignore the push and pull of human will angling for our attention.
Happy voting!
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