After hearing reports of more tremors in China today, and remembering the thousands of families and children already reeling from devastation and loss, I had to take more time out to pray for peace and calm in that land.
I thought about Jesus Christ stilling the storm with the few simple words, “Peace, be still.” And I asked, can’t we do the same today with the earthquakes in China?
Jesus proved the universe to be mental. What we call physical conditions are mortal mind conditions that can be changed, altered and improved with spiritual understanding.
Mary Baker Eddy learned through experience, too, that prayer can affect the weather and natural conditions on earth.
About the physical realm she wrote, “The physical universe expresses the conscious and unconscious thoughts of mortals.” Science and Health
Logic implies that turbulent conditions on earth are representative of turbulent conditions in mortal thought outlining mortal conditions on earth. To restore peace, love needs to replace that internal discord in public consciousness.
With the upcoming Olympics, there has been a large unleashing, in many parts of the world, of repressed and suppressed hatred toward China over human rights issues. It occurred to me in prayer that this immense mental discord cannot be ignored. It needs to be addressed and ministered to with an understanding love that helps the people of China find peace within their own country and with the rest of the world over these issues.
In the meantime, I pray to see more clearly that innocent people and children cannot suffer from a mindless and merciless tide of events, whether the perceived turmoil takes the form of earthquakes or political acts of intolerance.
Divine Love is powerful enough to relieve pent-up pressure in the earth’s strata or built-up hatred in mortal mind. Love can do the job.
Let us pray… “Peace, be still.”
Thanks! This is helpful.
I have been uncertain how to be helpful to the people in China and deal with the general chaos in the world.
Rather than just sit there feeling overwhelmed when I read or hear of yet another horrible situation somewhere in the world, I know I MUST acknowledge the power of scientific prayer..."the most potent and desirable" healing agent on the globe.
(My Prose Works is at our cabin, so I can only paraphrase Mrs. Eddy's comment.)
I do believe this to be true, and have seen the results of the application of prayer as taught in Christian Science. It is powerful indeed! So, every time we acknowledge the absolute truth as given to us through divine Science, we are delivering a potent healing balm to our world. And it sure seems to need it! Let us love enough to do this, and often.
I so honor and praise anyone who is endeavoring to so do.
Love, Sue
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