Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Human being or Spiritual being?

I gain so many spiritual lessons in working with my patients.

I was listening to a friend talk about how she feared there might be flaws and emotional deficiencies in her thinking that held her back from being healed through her prayers. That even though she prayed and knew the truth well, that as a human being, she felt there was always some shortcoming hidden in thought that prevented her from being spiritually successful.

In a knee-jerk response, I replied, “You’re not a human being. You're a spiritual being!”

There was dead silence on both ends of the conversation.

I had to think about what I said too.

And, of course, I realized, if we see ourselves as human beings, we’re always going to be plagued by doubt and fear.

Humans are limited. Humans are deficient. Humans have shortcomings. Fear and doubt come with the mental territory the human mind occupies.

The exit door from a feeling of hopelessness that often accompanies identifying oneself as a fallible human is spiritual being.

In Truth, we are not human beings, we are spiritual beings!

Wow! Huge relief!

I have much spiritual growth to gain to fully grasp what it means to be a spiritual being, but at least it’s the right starting point in prayer!

We’re not fallible human beings. We are immortal spiritual beings.


Anonymous said...

Well, that we are, in fact, spiritual beings, is the whole of it. We HAVE to start (and stay) with "perfect God and perfect man..." (MBE) or we have no basis upon which to prove the facts!

We must keep both eyes on the facts, not one eye on the mis-perception, mortality, and one eye on the spiritual fact, immortality.

This takes some doing, yes, but it is what is necessary. God's divine command: "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your perfect." (Christ Jesus). I like to say: "Ye BE perfect, even as your Father is perfect!"

So, let's drop the false for the true. What else is there to do,

With Love~~

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