Have you ever felt like your life was a mess? Like the pieces were not fitting together, and you had little or no evidence of completeness to show for your efforts? What’s the point of continuing? You might begin to wonder.
As I watched a paintjam video on youtube that a friend forwarded, I thought about how different experiences we have in life look messy and unorganized at the time we’re in them. But, in time, we see a reason for their happening. That a larger picture was being worked out that eventually became apparent. And then it all made sense.
Take a look yourself. You have to watch the whole video, 5:40 minutes long, to reap the reward.
Turn up the volume. It’s a fun watch!
It reminds me of the struggles we have when we are first unable hear God's message when addressing a healing. Until we acknowledge God as our only spiritual life and possibly concentrate on helping others do we get the picture of our loving God's works.
A delightfully graphic rendition of how I am viewing my life right now.........but God has the bigger perfect view. I am looking at one of the apparant messes in the corner. Now I am drawn to see that the mess is only in a limited view and I look forward to seeing the whole beautiful picture.
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