Here’s a thought-provoking story from Britain about a man diagnosed with cancer. After being told he had only a few months to live, he quit his job, and spent his life savings living life to the fullest.
Thing is, he didn’t die.
A year later, the doctors changed their diagnosis saying he didn’t have cancer. Having spent his life-savings, he was quite bummed.
I’m grateful to know there is a God that can heal us of our ills, even when labeled incurable by doctors. When we put our faith in Truth, rather than a physical diagnosis, we won’t be tempted to deplete our life savings prematurely! Healing happens.
Our faith in Truth must be ever present, 24-7. Such diagnosis and scare tactic's from pharmaceutical company advertisements keep us busy in our daily prayers to keep our spiritual awarness constant.
In this particular case,I read that he is saying that it was misdiagnosed and he never had it in the first place and is actually suing the hospital.
I have often wondered what I would do with such a diagnosis, if it were not a mistake. I don't think any Christian Scientist can emphatically say that they will be cured from cancer. Sadly, there have been so many people that have passed on believing they would be healed.
I guess I would resign to what we are told, that there is no death, and not go the medical route, though statistically, it's most probably that the physical manifestation of healing will not be demonstrated. If it were a common happening, everyone would embrace Christian Science.
To anon above,
Any diagnosis of a disease is a "misdiagnosis" from a spiritual point of view. Man, as a child of God, never has a disease, and this truth is demonstrable when adequately worked out in Christian Science.
Yes, you are right, there have been occasions when someone strove to heal cancer spiritually, and did not fully realize their healing before passing. But there are many who have been cured of cancer too through prayer. So, rather than giving into a diagnosis of disease and giving up hope, it's far better, in my opinion, to fight it out spiritually and seek a spiritual healing.
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