Friday, August 25, 2006

Our cat Heidi

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We’re home from our brief trip to the mountains and back into the swing of tennis, swimming, and work for the kids and daily routine and fun adventure for the parents.

We took our cat Heidi to the cabin this weekend, and I couldn’t help but admire how healthy she looks and acts.

You have to realize that about 8 years ago she got crushed in our garage door. The adventurous type, one afternoon she was lounging on the top of the open door where no one could see her. Mom and Tyler took off to run errands, closing the electric door behind them. Two hours later they return and Tyler yells out to Mom, “What’s that sticking out of the top of our garage door?” It was Heidi’s two hind legs. She was half in and half out, her mid-section squashed to the depth of a pancake.

Alive, but unable to walk, Tyler put her in a box, carried her into the house and started to pray with Mom for her recovery. I was phoned to help out, and over the next few days we witnessed a remarkable restoration of her full capacities. It wasn’t long before she was running and jumping like nothing ever happened. And she’s been fully able ever since.

Prayer is a powerful tool to keep animals healthy and well. The carcass we call our pet is an outward symbol of a spiritual individuality created by God living safe and sound in Spirit. When Heidi was found in a squeeze, we focused on understanding her spiritual selfhood at-one with God that never got caught in the door, and I believe this higher view led to healing.

While watching Heidi bless our family with her love and contented purr this weekend, I was grateful to be reminded of this healing.

(That's Heidi in the picture.)


Peggy said...

Wonderful! Thank you.

Heidi's beautiful.


Anonymous said...

We had dog named Rahab. When she was a young dog, she had a large lump on her head. We always prayed for each other in those days through the laying on of hands. I laid hands on her frequently, thank God for dissolving that lump. I invoked tha name of Jesus Christ as I did so. The lump disappeared. It took several days or so, but it did go away.

I did not know anything about Christian Science in those days, but in the churches we attended, we did believe in divine healing and often saw results.

Dennis R

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