Would you like to get your credit card balances down, reduce your debt and save more money for the future?
In our consumer driven society, the temptation to buy, buy, buy is played out in many shopper’s lives. We need a spiritual perspective to discipline our purchasing decisions and maintain dominion over our finances.
A friend who was in deep credit card debt prayed for a way out of his financial straightjacket. He yearned to be satisfied with what he had, not wanting to have something more all of the time.
When looking around his house, he saw many items he didn’t need. He realized he was substituting things for genuine contentment and joy which truly come from God. He resolved to improve his motive for shopping.
He developed a policy of “If I need it, I buy it. If I want it, I wait.” He stuck to his plan, and in a year saved enough money to pay off all his credit card balances. He has remained out of debt for several years since.
Material things and toys do not bring genuine long term happiness. Happiness is spiritual, and is found in drawing closer to God.
When tempted to buy something you don’t need, ask yourself, “Do I really need this item and the debt it creates? Or do I need to spend more time drawing closer to God and finding the spiritual understanding that brings me true happiness?
Increasing your interest in God will reduce the amount of interest you pay to lenders.
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