Definition of grievance: A cause for complaint or resentment that may or may not be well-founded; bitterness or anger at having received unfair treatment. Encarta
I attended a meeting where many people aired grievances toward the sponsoring organization. From many participants’ point of view, the grievances were legitimate and warranted. From other member’s point of view, the grievances were symptomatic of self-righteousness, grudges and jealousy festering and left unchecked.
I thought about how Jesus handled grievances.
In the garden of Gethsemane, Peter got mad at the soldiers who came to capture Jesus, and in his anger cut off a captor’s ear. Jesus told Peter to put his sword away, and proceeded to restore the man’s ear. While hanging on the cross, Jesus forgave his enemies. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
Jesus taught his followers not to hold grudges, even if they were legitimate from a human point of view. He taught us to let go of our grievances and forgive. “Forgive seventy times seven,” he instructed.
The highway to heaven is invisible to the heart filled with complaint and criticism.
Love and forgiveness find the pathway to Spirit and lead us to the Kingdom. God will take care of our enemies in His own proper time. Jesus trusted this truth. We can too.
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