If you’re like me, you have certain jobs, skills, talents you like to hone and improve. I love to play piano and tennis, and go up to the mountains with my family. I love my work, which includes praying, helping and healing others spiritually. There are a lot of activities I enjoy doing, and can think of many more I’d like to do if I had the time. I can’t squeeze them all in!
But what is the one most important activity of all? I have to remind myself when sorting out priorities.
And I believe it's to gain an increased understanding of God.
It's tempting to be occupied with anything and everything but gaining a better understanding of God. Whether it’s taking care of a family, managing financial accounts, keeping a building clean, writing, speaking, or organizing other people and activities, the list of things to do can grow very long.
But without God, we're all washed up, one might argue.
God is the source of all good, wisdom, intelligence, understanding, love and everything else essential to living a healthy happy and progressive life to begin with.
Forgetting to grow spiritually is like a carpenter going to work without a hammer. It's not going to be helpful!
If we shove God to the side and neglect nurturing our spirituality, we’ll eventually suffer and have to play catch-up. It’s better to stay ahead of mortal mind by increasing our knowledge of God so as to constantly strengthen our moral and spiritual position to ward off the attacks of fear and doubt when they come. The stronger we are spiritually, the less mortal mind can affect us.
So, don’t neglect the most important activity of all in your life—getting to know God better! Be sure to set enough time aside to for study and prayer, and enough devotion of mind to increase your living of what you learn.
When you know God, you know the best life has to offer, for the good you seek, ultimately, and always, comes from God.
“Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.” Matthew
Thanks Evan! This really hit home with me today.
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