Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The ultimate science

What science explains the origin, operation and activity of the whole universe?

Not physics. It may explain why rain falls to the earth, the speed of light, and how to put a satellite into space, but it can’t explain the enduring love of a mother for her child.

Not chemistry. It may explain why fire burns wax, how to make plastic, and why baking powder makes biscuits rise. But it can’t explain the height and breadth of inspiration Beethoven felt while writing his grandest symphonies.

Not genetics. It may explain DNA but it can’t explain how prayer can restore health to a man born blind as Jesus Christ did.

Not evolution. It may trace how monkeys evolved into humans, but it can’t explain the origin of mind and intelligence to begin with.

Not the Big Bang. What caused the Bang?

No physical, material, biological or other atom-centered science can explain the wholeness of the universe from its own in-house limited matter-based perspective. A higher science is required, a divine Science.

Divine Science is knowledge of God and how God created and evolved the cosmos. It explains that we live in a universe of Mind, where cause and effect are mental, not physical. This Mind, or God, is omnipresent intelligence. It is self-existent, eternal, and infinite. It is the power that holds the universe together, is responsible for its origin, and inspires, supports and sustains all the expressions of love and life that happen within it.

Divine Science is the ultimate science. It is bigger than physics. Bigger than chemistry. Bigger that biology. It explains everything all at once, on the basis of omnipotent Mind, not elusive matter.

Divine Mind existed long before a Big Bang, if there ever was one. Mind is the source and creator of all.

Studied from a basis of Mind, rather than inert mindless matter, the universe begins to make sense. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, tells us all about it.

Spirit is the life, substance, and continuity of all things. We tread on forces. Withdraw them, and creation must collapse. Human knowledge calls them forces of matter; but divine Science declares that they belong wholly to divine Mind, are inherent in this Mind, and so restores them to their rightful home and classification.” Mary Baker Eddy


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the wonderful thought for the day. The first thing that came to my thought, after reading this blog, was the "Scientific Statement of Being", found in Science and Health with key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, pg. 468.

Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, there is a branch of physics that seems to be moving toward Christian Science. A theoretical physicist named Nassim Haramein proposed that all space (including the space in each atom) is actually filled with an infinite amount of energy (power) that controls and defines all that we perceive as matter, that matter is actually concentrated energy, and that the energy has intelligence (i.e. a feedback loop), which he says "some call God". He says that the theory of evolution never demonstrated evolution from one species to another, and that a guiding creative force was required to create life. He is off base in some areas, but it is interesting, nonetheless.

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