I’ve heard it many times from different people over the last few months, “A shortage of money in the household is causing strain and stress in my marriage.”
According to some polls, disagreements over how to manage money is the number one cause of divorce.
So, it’s vitally important to spiritually defend one’s marriage during these economic times, from conflict over money to keep the marriage happy and healthy.
How to do this?
By understanding better that money is not the wealth of the home. Love is!
Marriage is all about love, giving, caring, sharing, working as one, forgiveness, and cultivating mutual understanding. If money ever becomes a divisive issue, than a couple has forgotten what their marriage is all about.
Marriage is about working problems out in love.
If anything, economic hardship would strengthen a marriage, not weaken it, because it would call forth the very best qualities in each spouse to figure out how they were going to deal with current economic conditions.
It’s a trick of the carnal mind, or supposed evil influence at large in the world, to convince a person that money is the leading issue when faced with financial shortfall. Money is never the leading issue. Wealth is not dollars in the bank, but understanding, inspiration, fresh insight and humility in the mind.
When two people work together in love, they find answers that solve problems. They gain more productive views, an expanded sense of possibility, willingness to go in a better direction, and are receptive to God’s help.
Anger, hate, resentment impoverish. Love, forgiving, sharing and caring enrich.
Love is the greatest wealth a married couple could ever have, and it comes freely from God. There is never a shortage of it! And it’s the most important resource to keep flowing in a home that is going to survive and thrive.
If the bills pile high, and the bank account draws low, it’s not a time to get angry. It’s a time to love—and more than ever.
this is TOTALLY true, evan -- my husband and I have lived and proven this. Years ago, we had LESS than no money in the bank -- we owed thousands! But we yielded to divine Love, grew in our understanding of God and loved each other more and more. And by listening to Mind, step by step (no magic wand!), lesson by lesson, we emerged into freedom from debt (all were paid back) and with money in the bank. The freedom to rely on God as the source of supply and not money is huge. One big idea for me was realizing it was never "my" money!
Thanks so much, Evan for this timely posting. This is exactly the issue I've been struggling with lately.
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