Saturday, July 11, 2009
Bear sightings
Friday was a bonus day for bear sightings. We happened upon this mother brown bear with her cubs. What a joy to sit only feet away in our car and watch as she shephered her cubs across the road, yet kept a watchful eye on any possible danger toward her precious ones. We kept our distance...
Another bear we happened upon during the evening hours. He, or she, not sure which, was out scavenging for food. We watched as she ate berries, overturned logs and looked here and there for whatever happened to please her.
Your bear stories and pictures bring back great memories of over 20 years ago when our family camped in that same spectacular area. I wish I'd had a camera in hand when a young bear walked up behind my father-in-law as he sat reading a book outdoors. Dad was quite surprised to turn his head (expecting to see one of our kids) and find himself literally face to face with a brown bear. Fortunately, both remained calm, and the bear continued on his way. Unfortunately, all the camera film we used on that trip was lost, so I love seeing the pictures you're posting. It really is indescribably beautiful there!!
The Banff I am used to visiting is north east Scotland! No bears there, but castles and lochs abound in the nearby area.
I have heard of Banff in Canada quite a lot recently and it is great to see these photos and hear of your adventures.
I too,like the idea in your earlier blog, of metaphysical work being a vacation from mortal mind. I can really identify with that.
Thank you Evan and family for sharing your holiday with us :-)
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