Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Justice and Iran's elections

Iran held its presidential elections over the weekend and President Ahmadinejad declared himself the victor, despite protests from his challenger Mousavi who claimed the elections were corrupted by fraud.

Whether the elections were corrupted, I cannot say, but the heavy-handed actions Ahmadinejad’s government immediately took against Mousavi’s supporters to silence them and prevent protest cause one to wonder what motivated Ahmadinejad to act in such a paranoid defensive way.

My heart went out to the masses of young people of the country yearning for reform and more liberal policies. When ruled by authoritarian governments and “supreme rulers,” the chances of reform can seem hopeless at times. But I thought about Jesus’ promise, “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”

Jesus Christ knew from experience what kind of attitude and state of mental and spiritual composure puts one in a position of strength to have the final say in human affairs. The battle for justice may seem intense and foreboding for long periods of time, but divine will always wins out in the end.

My mind holds the picture of tens of thousands of citizens in Eastern Europe holding candles and assembling for peace before the fall of the Iron Curtain. It was meekness that toppled that wall of intransigence, stubbornness, coldness, misguided ideology and ego of mortal mind that tried to divide the family of man into isolated camps. And it is meekness and divine Love that will topple other forms of injustice and unfairness that mankind faces for centuries to come.

Stones, bullets and other missiles of hatred do not promote peace and harmony around the world. They often vent frustration and anger, but the ultimate weapon against injustice is meekness, wisdom, and love, like the Master proved.

Jesus Christ faced gross injustices throughout his ministry. He was treated unfairly, evilly, and without understanding. Yet, he prevailed, and has been changing the world for the better ever since. His weapon of mass destruction was not a nuclear bomb or any type of terrorist tactic. It was love. The divine Love he lived and taught destroyed, and is still destroying, the ways of the evil one.

“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.” I pray that all enlightened reformers around the world working for the betterment of humanity, are blessed with huge doses of genuine meekness that enables them to feel the presence of divine Love, find hope and promise in its strength, and maintain confidence to continue on their progressive path.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Evan. Always good to have a points from
current events to pray about.

What came to thought was, "What thou be-est, that
thou see-est." -Socrates, I believe.

Why did that come in? Well,perhaps because I've been considering how it is that what we SEE, we think and ARE. Thought manifests. So, because we CAN see more meekness when we LIVE the idea of our meekness as MAN, God's man, we can SEE this powerful quality more in the "world."

This give me work to do, which is a good thing! To
be what divine Science tells me I truly am...is my continuing work, today, everyday!

What a privilege, huh.


DrDee said...

Hi Evan. I felt inspired to look up Webster for a definition of 'meek' because I felt uncomfortable with the idea you were suggesting. There are 3 meanings, one of which is "deficient in strength and courage" or "submissive." I'm sure this is not the meaning you have for meek. Perhaps you are thinking of one of the other meanings?

I pray that everyone everywhere finds the courage and strength to stand up to those who bully - not violently of course, but certainly in opposition to them.

(I see Jesus as a political activist, standing up for those who were disempowered by those who bullied. He must have been effective or he wouldn't have been crucified by the Roman Empire.)

evan said...

Hi DrDee,

Oh definitely, I was not referring to any deficiency in strength and courage. Quite the opposite. My sense of meekness is one of tremendous power and strength. It's not a human will, proud ego, blind ignorance "strength," but wisdom, intelligent action, wise discernment and patient planning. The meek, as I understand meekness, listen for God's direction and then act. The "meek" according to the definition you mention buckle into evil and submit.

I see Jesus as the supreme spiritual activist...

Anonymous said...

What currently happens in Iran is what Khameni, not Ahmadinejad, decrees.

Real, true, genuine meekness as you describe Evan -- wisdom, intelligent action, wise discernment, and patient planning -- can be hard to spot.

The greatest demonstration of such meekness I ever witnessed was President Reagan's speech where he said, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

And the Berlin Wall fell, backed up by unequivocal support for its elimination in the West.

In contrast to that sort of genuine meekness -- which may carry with it a 'fearful rebuke' -- nowadays we send out pseudo-meek messages of accomodation with evil, such as with willingness to further diplomatic relations with Iran without first requiring its government to recognize Israel's right to exist.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, it's Khamenei, not Kahmeni.

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