With fear of Swine flu running rampant in public thought, it’s been important to defend oneself from the belief of contagion.
It’s helpful to remember that one person does not have to get sick because their neighbor is ill, that there is no law of God that says disease has to spread, and we have Christian Science to check beliefs of contagion and stop them from having an effect.
Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, made some astute observations about contagion. She wrote,
We weep because others weep, we yawn because they yawn, and we have smallpox because others have it; but mortal mind, not matter, contains and carries the infection. When this mental contagion is understood, we shall be more careful of our mental conditions, and we shall avoid loquacious tattling about disease, as we would avoid advocating crime. Science and Health
The words “mental contagion” explains how contagion works.
Medical theory teaches contagion via germs, viruses and bacteria. Christian Science explains that germs have no more power than belief gives them. It’s fear of disease that needs to be guarded against. A consciousness of spiritual truth is effective protection against contagion, even more so than washing hands and wearing face masks.
Because the human body is human consciousness, anything that does not get into thought, cannot get into the body. Through prayer we can keep the thought-germs of Swine flu out of thought, and thus protect the body.
I’ve flown in airplanes quite a bit this week to lecture in different parts of the country. I have not naively boarded planes and mingled amongst the crowds unaware of popular fears at the moment regarding the spread of Swine flu. I have actively prayed to protect myself and those around me from these fears, and I’m enjoying my flights accordingly. I have absolutely no fear of the disease, and am grateful to see fellow passengers calm about it too.
Spiritual consciousness of Truth is immunity to contagion. Truth is God, and God is all. In God, there are no Swine flu germs. We circulate in the omnipresence of God wherever we go when our thinking is centered on God, filled up with spiritual truth and rejoicing in the omnipresence of Love. A consciousness of spiritual reality is like an impenetrable armor to current fears and concerns concerning Swine flu.
We have a choice. We can decline to participate in the popular fear. We can choose to stay healthy and also bless those around us with calm, peace and loving assurance that all is well in the sanctity and security of Love in which we all circulate together.
There is no contagion in God’s Kingdom. Love is all. Good is everywhere. There is no room or space for evil to occupy in God’s allness.
Eddy also wrote,
"Admitting only such conclusions as you wish realized in bodily results, you will control yourself harmoniously. When the condition is present which you say induces disease, whether it be air, exercise, heredity, contagion, or accident, then perform your office as porter and shut out these unhealthy thoughts and fears. Exclude from mortal mind the offending errors; then the body cannot suffer from them." Science and Health
So, no need to wait around and see what happens. Be an active participant in stopping unnecessary fear of Swine flu by not fearing it yourself! It’s time for the current show to stop and go away. God is in control of the environment we live in, and divine Love fills the air we breathe with health, harmony and peace.
I don't know if you are aware of a recent report about this pandamic, but a newspaper article I read last week stated that medical authorizes have to admit that this stain is not as strong as they had first predicted, and is even milder than a standard, run-of-the-mill flu season. I have shared this finding with several concerned individuals, and it's amazing how calm they become once I tell them. I'm convinced that these findings are a direct result of alert prayer. Thanks to all of you who have taken this "bull by the horns", so to speak.
Thanks so much Evan for the constant reminder of the Love that fills our lives. I keep thinking of all the joy and happiness, all the freedom of thought, the peace, that is right here, right now, we should all be rejoicing in this fact!!
Thank you Evan and everyone else for your comments. I've been praying about this topic a lot the last week. Yesterday, the thought came to me that while its good for people to wash their hands, that's not really humanly foolproof, which is not very comforting. So that's why it is so important to turn to God for protection. It is more comforting and reassuring to lift our thoughts higher to God and trust in Him as Truth than to just wash our hands and hope that helps.
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