One of the opportunities the present economic malaise offers is for people to learn where their real source of income lies. It’s with God, the divine Mind that supplies all human needs!
Cash comes and goes—and mostly goes… Paychecks are spent, assets can decline in value, and jobs can disappear, but the income of ideas from God that tells us how to keep profitably employed never dries up.
A business owner emailed that her business didn’t have enough orders from customers to remain profitable. In a fit of inspiration, I emailed back, “God is giving you lots of orders!” It was meant to be a humorous twist on her original concern, but helped get thought focused on divine income that meets all human needs.
The orders that meet the long term needs of businesses are not primarily from clients, but from the all-knowing, all-wise Mind that provides ever fresh inspiration to adapt to changing circumstances.
When I farmed, we had to adapt every year to changing market conditions. We listened anew each winter for what to plant and how much for the next growing season. Each year was different depending upon what the voice of Wisdom instructed.
These times are no different. If we develop a false reliance on certain clients for income, we may lose them at some point if we aren’t listening to God first and foremost as how to provide the best service possible and understand their changing needs.
God has the wisdom we need to flourish in any economic environment. Those ideas are the incoming “orders” that keep us abreast of the times, current with changing conditions, and able to preempt beliefs of lack.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Worms enough for you too...
The Rooster & the Hen
Said the Little Red Rooster,
“Believe me, things are tough!
Seems the worms are getting scarcer
And I cannot find enough.
What’s become of all those fat ones?
It’s a mystery to me.
There were thousands through that rainy spell,
But now, where can they be?”
But the Old Black Hen who heard him
Didn’t grumble or complain,
She had lived through lots of dry spells
She had lived through floods of rain.
She picked a new and undug spot;
The ground was hard and firm,
“I must go to the worms,” she said.
“The worms won’t come to me.”
The Rooster vainly spent his day
Through habit, by the ways
Where fat round worms had passed in squads
Back in the rainy days.
When nightfall found him supperless,
He growled in accents rough,
“I’m hungry as a fowl can be;
Conditions sure are tough.”
But the Old Black Hen hopped to her perch
and dropped her eyes to sleep
And murmured in a drowsy tone,
“Young man, hear this and weep.
I’m full of worms and happy
For I’ve eaten like a pig.
The worms were there as always
But, boy, I had to dig!”
Said the Little Red Rooster,
“Believe me, things are tough!
Seems the worms are getting scarcer
And I cannot find enough.
What’s become of all those fat ones?
It’s a mystery to me.
There were thousands through that rainy spell,
But now, where can they be?”
But the Old Black Hen who heard him
Didn’t grumble or complain,
She had lived through lots of dry spells
She had lived through floods of rain.
She picked a new and undug spot;
The ground was hard and firm,
“I must go to the worms,” she said.
“The worms won’t come to me.”
The Rooster vainly spent his day
Through habit, by the ways
Where fat round worms had passed in squads
Back in the rainy days.
When nightfall found him supperless,
He growled in accents rough,
“I’m hungry as a fowl can be;
Conditions sure are tough.”
But the Old Black Hen hopped to her perch
and dropped her eyes to sleep
And murmured in a drowsy tone,
“Young man, hear this and weep.
I’m full of worms and happy
For I’ve eaten like a pig.
The worms were there as always
But, boy, I had to dig!”
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Finding a safe place
A reader sent in the below poem which she recently wrote. I was touched by the “who moved” part.
I often hear from people who feel God has deserted them, but am happy to help them see this is never the case.
God’s love for us is perpetual. Isolation and loneliness are a material sense of God that is healed as thought moves to a more spiritual view of the divine Maker, as Melissa alludes to below.
When life’s wrinkles, error, frighten us…”who moved?”
God, or you?
When it seems like a volcano-like abyss has swallowed you whole…”who moved?”
If it seems like the very heavens have walked away
and divinity has abandoned us just for spite…”who moved?”
And yet
if we would move thought to Him
and stay there
we would see that the Father / Mother oneness is closer to us than breathing.
We would find Life / God has opened the portals of heaven to distill a benediction of Love.
We would find that safe is another name for God.
~ Melissa Baker
I often hear from people who feel God has deserted them, but am happy to help them see this is never the case.
God’s love for us is perpetual. Isolation and loneliness are a material sense of God that is healed as thought moves to a more spiritual view of the divine Maker, as Melissa alludes to below.
When life’s wrinkles, error, frighten us…”who moved?”
God, or you?
When it seems like a volcano-like abyss has swallowed you whole…”who moved?”
If it seems like the very heavens have walked away
and divinity has abandoned us just for spite…”who moved?”
And yet
if we would move thought to Him
and stay there
we would see that the Father / Mother oneness is closer to us than breathing.
We would find Life / God has opened the portals of heaven to distill a benediction of Love.
We would find that safe is another name for God.
~ Melissa Baker
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The unreality of matter
A reader sent in the following quote:
Max Planck, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, considered the father of Quantum Theory, made the following statement when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics:
As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.
It’s amazing that Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science, had the unreality of matter figured out decades before quantum physicists starting making statements like the above.
Eddy did not have an electron microscope or complex mathematical equations at her disposal to reach her conclusions. She relied upon divine wisdom, her healing work, spiritual reasoning, Jesus’ teachings and the Bible to discover the ultimate reality of all things in Spirit.
Quantum physicists still have more to learn for they generally believe that matter is some type of entity. They are trying to figure out what it is, whereas Eddy saw further to the reality of Mind where matter disappears entirely and is replaced by idea.
She wrote in her landmark book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,
From this quote, one might conclude that Eddy came to her conclusion about the unreality of matter by proving the unreality disease. Disease looks very real to the physical senses, but in spiritual sense, it disappears.
Eddy was very good at tuning into spiritual sense and seeing the unreality of discordant material conditions, for she healed hundreds of so-called incurable diseases, often instantaneously. Evidently, she saw the unreality of matter too through the same spiritual awareness, and left her inspiring teachings for us to learn from.
She also wrote,
Max Planck, one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, considered the father of Quantum Theory, made the following statement when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for physics:
As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.
It’s amazing that Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science, had the unreality of matter figured out decades before quantum physicists starting making statements like the above.
Eddy did not have an electron microscope or complex mathematical equations at her disposal to reach her conclusions. She relied upon divine wisdom, her healing work, spiritual reasoning, Jesus’ teachings and the Bible to discover the ultimate reality of all things in Spirit.
Quantum physicists still have more to learn for they generally believe that matter is some type of entity. They are trying to figure out what it is, whereas Eddy saw further to the reality of Mind where matter disappears entirely and is replaced by idea.
She wrote in her landmark book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,
"Christian Science reveals incontrovertibly that Mind is All-in-all, that the only realities are the divine Mind and idea. This great fact is not, however, seen to be supported by sensible evidence, until its divine Principle is demonstrated by healing the sick and thus proved absolute and divine. This proof once seen, no other conclusion can be reached." Mary Baker Eddy
From this quote, one might conclude that Eddy came to her conclusion about the unreality of matter by proving the unreality disease. Disease looks very real to the physical senses, but in spiritual sense, it disappears.
Eddy was very good at tuning into spiritual sense and seeing the unreality of discordant material conditions, for she healed hundreds of so-called incurable diseases, often instantaneously. Evidently, she saw the unreality of matter too through the same spiritual awareness, and left her inspiring teachings for us to learn from.
She also wrote,
"These two contradictory theories — that matter is something, or that all is Mind — will dispute the ground, until one is acknowledged to be the victor. Discussing his campaign, General Grant said: "I propose to fight it out on this line, if it takes all summer." Science says: All is Mind and Mind's idea. You must fight it out on this line. Matter can afford you no aid." Mary Baker Eddy
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A good attitude may save your job
I came across a great article in the Christian Science Monitor titled, “Be happy and keep you job,” that explains how a bright disposition helps workers navigate darker times.
The piece points out how employees with dour or sour attitudes are likely to be axed first because of the negativity they bring into the workplace. Workers with cheery outlooks and likable personalities were likely to hold their position, even over peers who were more proficient or talented, but less positive.
The article is a useful reminder that attitude and outlook matters and has worth and value.
So, when you dress for work today, be sure to put on your happy demeanor! It might save your paycheck.
The piece points out how employees with dour or sour attitudes are likely to be axed first because of the negativity they bring into the workplace. Workers with cheery outlooks and likable personalities were likely to hold their position, even over peers who were more proficient or talented, but less positive.
The article is a useful reminder that attitude and outlook matters and has worth and value.
So, when you dress for work today, be sure to put on your happy demeanor! It might save your paycheck.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Are you in a ready position?
I learn many spiritual lessons from playing tennis. One of them is the importance of being in the “ready position.”
The ready position is a combination of proper footing, racket grip, alertness and responsiveness to the ball coming at you. The idea being, that if you are truly ready to hit the ball correctly when it bounces to where you stand, you will hit it back well and stay in the game.
When players miss shots, it’s often because they are not in the ready position. As a result, they hit the ball sloppily from an off balance stance, or miss it altogether. You have to be in the ready position to win in tennis!
Yesterday, while playing singles, I pondered the parallels between being in the ready position for tennis and being in a ready position for life’s challenges.
The purpose of prayer and avid spiritual study is to keep us mentally in the ready position so that whatever the carnal mind throws at us, we are ready to deal with effectively and stay in the game of life.
Some aspirants to heavenly good take a lackadaisical approach to their spiritual growth. They wait until a problem transpires before they turn to God for help. Some wing it when trouble arises, or play off the cuff. Others run hot and cold depending upon the mood of the moment. And some commit to a regular routine and study that keeps their thought immersed in truth sufficiently to be ready for success when challenges arise.
From lessons in tennis, this last mental position is the most desirable for dealing with life’s challenges and surprises effectively.
Interestingly, in tennis, if you have enough talent, and your opponent is easy to play, you can wing it on several shots and still stay in the game. But as soon as the shots coming back get tougher and faster, the more ready you have to be. You can’t slough off and expect to win. If you’re not in a ready position, the ball whizzes by you and your point is lost.
As the competition accelerates, to win and get the ball back, you have to be in a ready position. And that requires one to think, look, plan, and be prepared. A good player does not wait until the ball gets to him before he responds. He responds before the ball arrives.
In life, it pays to be in the ready position.
Some “shots,” or demands, come at us from easy directions, slow speeds and down an obvious course that make it easy for us to respond. We adjust on the spur of the moment and come out fine. But other “shots” come from unforeseen angles, unexpected places and with wicked spins that catch us by surprise. If we’re ready, we are not surprised. We get the ball back. But if we’re caught resting on our heels, letting our thought wander or not paying attention, boom, that ball zips by us and we wonder what happened.
To master life's opportunities quickest, stay in the ready position. Prayer and study will keep you there!
The ready position is a combination of proper footing, racket grip, alertness and responsiveness to the ball coming at you. The idea being, that if you are truly ready to hit the ball correctly when it bounces to where you stand, you will hit it back well and stay in the game.
When players miss shots, it’s often because they are not in the ready position. As a result, they hit the ball sloppily from an off balance stance, or miss it altogether. You have to be in the ready position to win in tennis!
Yesterday, while playing singles, I pondered the parallels between being in the ready position for tennis and being in a ready position for life’s challenges.
The purpose of prayer and avid spiritual study is to keep us mentally in the ready position so that whatever the carnal mind throws at us, we are ready to deal with effectively and stay in the game of life.
Some aspirants to heavenly good take a lackadaisical approach to their spiritual growth. They wait until a problem transpires before they turn to God for help. Some wing it when trouble arises, or play off the cuff. Others run hot and cold depending upon the mood of the moment. And some commit to a regular routine and study that keeps their thought immersed in truth sufficiently to be ready for success when challenges arise.
From lessons in tennis, this last mental position is the most desirable for dealing with life’s challenges and surprises effectively.
Interestingly, in tennis, if you have enough talent, and your opponent is easy to play, you can wing it on several shots and still stay in the game. But as soon as the shots coming back get tougher and faster, the more ready you have to be. You can’t slough off and expect to win. If you’re not in a ready position, the ball whizzes by you and your point is lost.
As the competition accelerates, to win and get the ball back, you have to be in a ready position. And that requires one to think, look, plan, and be prepared. A good player does not wait until the ball gets to him before he responds. He responds before the ball arrives.
In life, it pays to be in the ready position.
Some “shots,” or demands, come at us from easy directions, slow speeds and down an obvious course that make it easy for us to respond. We adjust on the spur of the moment and come out fine. But other “shots” come from unforeseen angles, unexpected places and with wicked spins that catch us by surprise. If we’re ready, we are not surprised. We get the ball back. But if we’re caught resting on our heels, letting our thought wander or not paying attention, boom, that ball zips by us and we wonder what happened.
To master life's opportunities quickest, stay in the ready position. Prayer and study will keep you there!
“Divinity is always ready. Semper paratus is Truth's motto.” Mary Baker Eddy
Friday, March 20, 2009
Seek spiritual profit
Thousands of businesses are struggling to make a profit these days. Millions of workers are juggling tighter budgets, reduced wages and heavy debt load.
“How can I make more money?” many fret and ponder.
The temptation to seek material gain first to remedy one’s financial woes looms large in the mind of those looking to the world for supply and comfort. But there is a greater gain to be sought that not only pays the bills but also brings one closer to God and reaps reward that is far more meaningful than dollars in the bank. It’s called spiritual profit!
Spiritual profit is the gain one experiences when turning to God for help and letting divine wisdom flood consciousness with inspiring ideas and qualities of love that elevate thought above fear, doubt and lack.
When I was a college student, I accepted a job selling pianos and organs at a music store in a shopping mall. The job paid by commission.
My performance in June and July was horrible. I didn’t sell a single instrument. I feared not having enough money when returning to college in the fall.
I prayed for a solution. I sought a spiritual perspective.
I knew there was no lack, for God is infinite supply and includes unlimited provision. The picture of no opportunity was a lie, and I needed to quit believing the lie.
I listened to the voice of wisdom for direction. I sought inspiration, not dollars.
After several days, an idea surfaced that solved all of my sales problems. I was internally directed to arrange a concert of 25 short pieces showing off the sounds of the organs, then set an organ at the front doorway of the store and entertain people passing by in the mall, with the expectation that they would stop and listen.
I obeyed. My mini-concert was a huge success, drawing large crowds of listeners. Many came into the store to purchase an organ. My sales were so high in the month of August, that the commissions earned more than made up for lost sales in June and July.
My profit was the idea that came from God about what to do.
God is an all-knowing Mind that has a solution to any problem we ever face. To hear the divine solution, it helps to not get mesmerized into believing money is the primary need. It never is. Inspiration is the supply that transforms dismal circumstances into bounty and blessings.
Seek first the spiritual profit God is sending your way, and positive human adjustments will follow.
“How can I make more money?” many fret and ponder.
The temptation to seek material gain first to remedy one’s financial woes looms large in the mind of those looking to the world for supply and comfort. But there is a greater gain to be sought that not only pays the bills but also brings one closer to God and reaps reward that is far more meaningful than dollars in the bank. It’s called spiritual profit!
Spiritual profit is the gain one experiences when turning to God for help and letting divine wisdom flood consciousness with inspiring ideas and qualities of love that elevate thought above fear, doubt and lack.
When I was a college student, I accepted a job selling pianos and organs at a music store in a shopping mall. The job paid by commission.
My performance in June and July was horrible. I didn’t sell a single instrument. I feared not having enough money when returning to college in the fall.
I prayed for a solution. I sought a spiritual perspective.
I knew there was no lack, for God is infinite supply and includes unlimited provision. The picture of no opportunity was a lie, and I needed to quit believing the lie.
I listened to the voice of wisdom for direction. I sought inspiration, not dollars.
After several days, an idea surfaced that solved all of my sales problems. I was internally directed to arrange a concert of 25 short pieces showing off the sounds of the organs, then set an organ at the front doorway of the store and entertain people passing by in the mall, with the expectation that they would stop and listen.
I obeyed. My mini-concert was a huge success, drawing large crowds of listeners. Many came into the store to purchase an organ. My sales were so high in the month of August, that the commissions earned more than made up for lost sales in June and July.
My profit was the idea that came from God about what to do.
God is an all-knowing Mind that has a solution to any problem we ever face. To hear the divine solution, it helps to not get mesmerized into believing money is the primary need. It never is. Inspiration is the supply that transforms dismal circumstances into bounty and blessings.
Seek first the spiritual profit God is sending your way, and positive human adjustments will follow.
“God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Paul
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Too many medicines
As I sat at a restaurant table in the Los Angeles airport Tuesday morning eating breakfast, I noticed a businessman at a table near mine pull an 8 x 12 x 3 inch leather zipper case out of his luggage. He unzipped the pouch in half and spread it wide open before him. Inside were countless packages, plastic bottles and containers of medicines. He methodically sorted out a dozen or more pills, each a different size, shape and color. He placed them in groups on a napkin, and with a glass of water, gulped them all down with a swig after each dose.
Studies show that millions of Americans follow a similar daily routine. People have been educated to believe chemical dependency is a normal and necessary way of life. I had a woman tell me once that she took 18 medicines every morning, and she didn’t bat an eyelash. The god of material medicine has a very large congregation of worshippers these days.
Oh, how my heart goes out to these individuals who could benefit immensely from learning spiritual truth to be the most powerful and effective medicine for what ails one.
I was very close to walking over to this man’s table and letting him know there was a better way. A little Christian Science could likely save him from such a depressing habit. But he looked very satisfied with himself and his ritual, and his self-assurance caused me to hold back. But maybe not next time!
I thought about the many people I know who have practiced Christian Science for decades and live happily and healthily with no medicines. They are a testament to the healing power of Truth and a shining light to those looking for a way out of the medicine trap.
I also thought about some students of Christian Science who struggle with the belief of a chronic condition, but successfully so with no medicines. Even though their healing hasn’t come as quickly as hoped, they are still leap years ahead in terms of finding a final solution than thought that has entered the mental prison of “My life depends upon a slew of material medicines.” Eventually, everyone has to learn that their life and health are spiritual, supported and sustained by Spirit, not mindless, non-intelligent matter. And in that moment of understanding, all attachment to material medicine falls away. (Someday, Christian Science will put pharmaceutical companies out of business.)
The healing benefits of Christian Science are highly underrated and largely unnoticed by the bulk of the population. I do my best to share this powerful and healing truth with others, but obviously could do better because there are millions out there still struggling with the belief of life and health in matter, trying to find health where there is no health. Spirit is the remedy.
Oh, the work yet to be done….
Studies show that millions of Americans follow a similar daily routine. People have been educated to believe chemical dependency is a normal and necessary way of life. I had a woman tell me once that she took 18 medicines every morning, and she didn’t bat an eyelash. The god of material medicine has a very large congregation of worshippers these days.
Oh, how my heart goes out to these individuals who could benefit immensely from learning spiritual truth to be the most powerful and effective medicine for what ails one.
I was very close to walking over to this man’s table and letting him know there was a better way. A little Christian Science could likely save him from such a depressing habit. But he looked very satisfied with himself and his ritual, and his self-assurance caused me to hold back. But maybe not next time!
I thought about the many people I know who have practiced Christian Science for decades and live happily and healthily with no medicines. They are a testament to the healing power of Truth and a shining light to those looking for a way out of the medicine trap.
I also thought about some students of Christian Science who struggle with the belief of a chronic condition, but successfully so with no medicines. Even though their healing hasn’t come as quickly as hoped, they are still leap years ahead in terms of finding a final solution than thought that has entered the mental prison of “My life depends upon a slew of material medicines.” Eventually, everyone has to learn that their life and health are spiritual, supported and sustained by Spirit, not mindless, non-intelligent matter. And in that moment of understanding, all attachment to material medicine falls away. (Someday, Christian Science will put pharmaceutical companies out of business.)
The healing benefits of Christian Science are highly underrated and largely unnoticed by the bulk of the population. I do my best to share this powerful and healing truth with others, but obviously could do better because there are millions out there still struggling with the belief of life and health in matter, trying to find health where there is no health. Spirit is the remedy.
Oh, the work yet to be done….
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
AIG bonuses
The latest revelation of AIG paying $156 million bonuses to executives and employees, illustrates the distance our country has yet to go in recognizing that the real needs of our economy are not financial, but moral, ethical and spiritual.
AIG has received $180 billion in bailout money from US taxpayers so far. Executives of the corporation committed major errors in judgment over past years that built up a financial house of cards so intertwined with other institutions in the country and around the world that Congress feared letting them fail lest the collateral damage was too great for the economy to bear.
Making mistakes, even egregious ones, is not new. Thanks to the infinite loving care of God, mistakes can be forgiven, rectified, damage repaired, and the past put behind. But for genuine healing, there needs to be recognition by the offender of mistakes committed and sacrifice made to clear up the resulting problems.
When I make a poor financial decision, I have to adjust. No one else can do it for me. I cut back expenses. I refigure my budget. I spend less and save more. Bonuses, or rewards, are cut or delayed until my financial house is in order again. If I learn my lesson well, I come out of the experience stronger and better.
All necessary lessons are learned eventually, one way or the other. Our country is not suffering from a credit freeze, a lack of money, or shortfalls in budget. These times cry out for higher moral standards and ethical decision-making in high places.
Prosperous and enduring commerce cannot be sustained by actions motivated by self-interest, greed, and “what’s in it for me,” type of thinking. A sound economy is built on solid moral and spiritual principles.
Taking responsibility for one’s actions and following through with commitments are essential for an enduring economy.
The most desirable “bonus” now, as necessary economic lessons are learned, is not lump sums of money, but work well done, errors rectified, sound decision-making that yields long term economic health, and the increased self-respect and esteem that comes from working one’s way out of a mire and not running in the other direction leaving the mess for someone else to clean up.
I pray that we all gain a clearer understanding of what constitutes a sound economy. We’re taught in college economic courses to study the flow of money, fiscal policy and other material factors, but the greatest boost to our financial future will be stronger ethics and morals in the decision-making of economic players. And that’s a bonus worth working for!
AIG has received $180 billion in bailout money from US taxpayers so far. Executives of the corporation committed major errors in judgment over past years that built up a financial house of cards so intertwined with other institutions in the country and around the world that Congress feared letting them fail lest the collateral damage was too great for the economy to bear.
Making mistakes, even egregious ones, is not new. Thanks to the infinite loving care of God, mistakes can be forgiven, rectified, damage repaired, and the past put behind. But for genuine healing, there needs to be recognition by the offender of mistakes committed and sacrifice made to clear up the resulting problems.
When I make a poor financial decision, I have to adjust. No one else can do it for me. I cut back expenses. I refigure my budget. I spend less and save more. Bonuses, or rewards, are cut or delayed until my financial house is in order again. If I learn my lesson well, I come out of the experience stronger and better.
All necessary lessons are learned eventually, one way or the other. Our country is not suffering from a credit freeze, a lack of money, or shortfalls in budget. These times cry out for higher moral standards and ethical decision-making in high places.
Prosperous and enduring commerce cannot be sustained by actions motivated by self-interest, greed, and “what’s in it for me,” type of thinking. A sound economy is built on solid moral and spiritual principles.
Taking responsibility for one’s actions and following through with commitments are essential for an enduring economy.
The most desirable “bonus” now, as necessary economic lessons are learned, is not lump sums of money, but work well done, errors rectified, sound decision-making that yields long term economic health, and the increased self-respect and esteem that comes from working one’s way out of a mire and not running in the other direction leaving the mess for someone else to clean up.
I pray that we all gain a clearer understanding of what constitutes a sound economy. We’re taught in college economic courses to study the flow of money, fiscal policy and other material factors, but the greatest boost to our financial future will be stronger ethics and morals in the decision-making of economic players. And that’s a bonus worth working for!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Simple beauty
In this age of fashion-designer clothes, tattoos, and bling, it’s heartening to view reminders that less is often more.
A reader sent the below comment and picture to me, which begins with a bit of history, but ends with a very fine point.
Transparent Butterfly
It comes from Central America and is found from Mexico to Panama. It is quite common in its zone, but it not easy to find because of its transparent wings, which is a natural camouflage mechanism.
A butterfly with transparent wings is rare and beautiful. As delicate as finely blown glass, the presence of this rare tropical gem is used by rain forest ecologists as an indication of high habitat quality and its demise alerts them of ecological change. Rivaling the refined beauty of a stained glass window, the translucent wings of the Glasswing butterfly shimmer in the sunlight like polished panes of turquoise, orange, green, and red.
All things beautiful do not have to be full of color to be noticed: in life that which is unnoticed has the most power.

A reader sent the below comment and picture to me, which begins with a bit of history, but ends with a very fine point.
Transparent Butterfly
It comes from Central America and is found from Mexico to Panama. It is quite common in its zone, but it not easy to find because of its transparent wings, which is a natural camouflage mechanism.
A butterfly with transparent wings is rare and beautiful. As delicate as finely blown glass, the presence of this rare tropical gem is used by rain forest ecologists as an indication of high habitat quality and its demise alerts them of ecological change. Rivaling the refined beauty of a stained glass window, the translucent wings of the Glasswing butterfly shimmer in the sunlight like polished panes of turquoise, orange, green, and red.
All things beautiful do not have to be full of color to be noticed: in life that which is unnoticed has the most power.

Sunday, March 15, 2009
Children say the funniest things
After reading my blog two weeks ago, “Through the eyes of a child,” a reader sent me this comment…
I loved the one today about childrens' interpretation of the Bible. My all-time favorite from Sunday school was the little boy who told his mother that the teacher said he was a scurvy elephant. When the teacher was asked why she said that to the lad, she said, "No, I said he was a disturbing element!"
At times, when I have one of those types in my class, I think of this story and just laugh. It breaks the mesmerism for me.
I loved the one today about childrens' interpretation of the Bible. My all-time favorite from Sunday school was the little boy who told his mother that the teacher said he was a scurvy elephant. When the teacher was asked why she said that to the lad, she said, "No, I said he was a disturbing element!"
At times, when I have one of those types in my class, I think of this story and just laugh. It breaks the mesmerism for me.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Understanding the opposite sex
Have you seen the Broadway production, “Defending the Caveman?”
Kathy and I went to see the show last night here in town, and I haven’t laughed so hard in one sitting in a long time. I was concerned that the show would be too raw, and it did have some words and references that made me wince and uncomfortable, but for the most part, it was creatively written, followed a definite theme, and was illed with thought-provoking observations.
If you’re not familiar, the content of the show is intended to help men and women understand each other better, and particularly, clear up gross misunderstandings held by many women, from a man’s point of view, of why men act and behave in unusual ways (unusual—according to women, that is, but not to men!).
For example, it rationalizes why men are single-minded, often focused on one thing to the exclusion of all else, and why women think about many different things all at once. It takes the audience back to the ways of cavemen and cavewomen to justify its arguments.
Men are hunters. Women are gatherers. Men are trained to pursue a single goal—hunt the Bison! Women are gatherers, looking all around, picking and choosing among many options all at once, gathering their harvest into their baskets.
Then the script spells out through story and parody perceived differences between men and women.
Women like to talk issues out. Men prefer few words, silence and quickly moving on to the next activity. Women are quick to help. Men are quick to find reasons why someone else should do the job. Women are cooperative. Men are negotiators. Women have feelings. Men have feelings too, but they don’t show them openly like women. And the examples go on and on…
It’s a hilarious comedy if you’re in a forgiving mood, don't get offended easily, and don’t take points made too seriously.
Afterward, my wife commented that she could sympathize with some of the men ideals and not with several of the so-called women ideals. For instance, shopping! My wife does not like to shop, which is great for our budget by the way. And women were parodied as big-time shoppers, loving to spend hours in the mall strolling through the stores surveying all the options and enjoying the whole experience. That's not me! My wife exclaimed. I know other women that feel the same way. And then she could see where I lived out some of the proclaimed women ideals, like cooking. I like to cook and frequently prepare dinner for the family.
So, many of the models portrayed in the show were certainly outdated and distorted stereotypes, and gratefully so, for some societies anyway. We are moving closer to the ideal man and woman defined in Christian Science, as not being male or female, but as God’s image—male and female—which in practical terms, means whether male or female, each individual is capable of expressing the masculine and feminine qualities of love, strength, compassion, authority and wisdom equally.
Aside from the shortcomings of the show, one point I loved, made near the conclusion, was the host’s exclamation that all men and women should strive to understand each other better, to enter into the other’s world to understand it, but without judgment.
I loved it.
Yes! I exclaimed.
Without judgment. There was the key to marital harmony.
I have to admit, that I have learned much about a woman’s point of view by listening to my wife over the years. It can be very different than a man’s point of view.
It’s tempting to think that another person is wrong when they don’t agree with your own opinion. But that conclusion isn’t valid. Another point of view is not necessarily wrong, but simply, another perspective that may be just as worthy of consideration as one’s own. As men and women everywhere seek to understand each other better, their differing points of view will blend, common ground will be found, mutual understandings will be established, and relationships strengthened and benefited.
“Enter into each other’s world, without judgment.” That point alone was worth the evening spent to hear it.
Kathy and I went to see the show last night here in town, and I haven’t laughed so hard in one sitting in a long time. I was concerned that the show would be too raw, and it did have some words and references that made me wince and uncomfortable, but for the most part, it was creatively written, followed a definite theme, and was illed with thought-provoking observations.
If you’re not familiar, the content of the show is intended to help men and women understand each other better, and particularly, clear up gross misunderstandings held by many women, from a man’s point of view, of why men act and behave in unusual ways (unusual—according to women, that is, but not to men!).
For example, it rationalizes why men are single-minded, often focused on one thing to the exclusion of all else, and why women think about many different things all at once. It takes the audience back to the ways of cavemen and cavewomen to justify its arguments.
Men are hunters. Women are gatherers. Men are trained to pursue a single goal—hunt the Bison! Women are gatherers, looking all around, picking and choosing among many options all at once, gathering their harvest into their baskets.
Then the script spells out through story and parody perceived differences between men and women.
Women like to talk issues out. Men prefer few words, silence and quickly moving on to the next activity. Women are quick to help. Men are quick to find reasons why someone else should do the job. Women are cooperative. Men are negotiators. Women have feelings. Men have feelings too, but they don’t show them openly like women. And the examples go on and on…
It’s a hilarious comedy if you’re in a forgiving mood, don't get offended easily, and don’t take points made too seriously.
Afterward, my wife commented that she could sympathize with some of the men ideals and not with several of the so-called women ideals. For instance, shopping! My wife does not like to shop, which is great for our budget by the way. And women were parodied as big-time shoppers, loving to spend hours in the mall strolling through the stores surveying all the options and enjoying the whole experience. That's not me! My wife exclaimed. I know other women that feel the same way. And then she could see where I lived out some of the proclaimed women ideals, like cooking. I like to cook and frequently prepare dinner for the family.
So, many of the models portrayed in the show were certainly outdated and distorted stereotypes, and gratefully so, for some societies anyway. We are moving closer to the ideal man and woman defined in Christian Science, as not being male or female, but as God’s image—male and female—which in practical terms, means whether male or female, each individual is capable of expressing the masculine and feminine qualities of love, strength, compassion, authority and wisdom equally.
Aside from the shortcomings of the show, one point I loved, made near the conclusion, was the host’s exclamation that all men and women should strive to understand each other better, to enter into the other’s world to understand it, but without judgment.
I loved it.
Yes! I exclaimed.
Without judgment. There was the key to marital harmony.
I have to admit, that I have learned much about a woman’s point of view by listening to my wife over the years. It can be very different than a man’s point of view.
It’s tempting to think that another person is wrong when they don’t agree with your own opinion. But that conclusion isn’t valid. Another point of view is not necessarily wrong, but simply, another perspective that may be just as worthy of consideration as one’s own. As men and women everywhere seek to understand each other better, their differing points of view will blend, common ground will be found, mutual understandings will be established, and relationships strengthened and benefited.
“Enter into each other’s world, without judgment.” That point alone was worth the evening spent to hear it.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Harbor no fear of failure
As many of my long term readers know, I took up tennis about 5 years ago, and have learned many spiritual lessons along the way, some of which I’ve shared on this blog.
I’m not a natural athlete, so how to swing a racket, hit a ball with control, and score a point, have taken a lot more work for me than perhaps to others who have run around on fields, thrown balls, and scored points since they were little kids.
But I’m progressing. Yay!
I started working with a new coach a few months ago who has brought my game a long way in a short time.
At his persistent urging, I swing at the ball with gusto and confidence now, can put on the proper topspin, and make some impressive shots.
I’m learning to drop my caution and “go for it.” It makes all the difference.
A handicap of mine on court has been caution. Not a conscious state of mind, but an unconscious fear of failure, I’ve recognized. Rather than over hitting the ball by throwing caution to the wind, I’ve pulled back and pushed the ball over the net. Well, I get the ball over the net, but I wouldn't do anything with it to win a point, and it comes wailing back at me. Not a winning strategy.
One of my “court” prayers has been to conquer the fear, let go of caution, and trust the stroke to place the ball correctly if I hit the ball correctly. It works, fabulously. Caution is leaving my game. And I'm playing much more effectively!
Fear of failure is a horrible detriment to progress.
I’ve watched my son learn to play tennis over the last 5 years, and he’s never had a fear of failure. He just goes for it every time. In his early years, he was constantly hitting the ball long, and I could easily beat him in games with my cautious strokes. But through trial and error he learned to hit the ball correctly and now he pounces all over me. It’s not even a contest anymore he is so far ahead of me in tennis skill. He didn't let fear hold him back.
I’ve applied the lesson to spiritual healing.
As fear of failure amounts to failure on the tennis court, it also becomes a huge hurdle to progress in spiritual healing.
If we harbor a fear of failure when we turn to God in prayer, we pull-back in our faith in God’s ability to heal us. Our confidence is weak, our prayers half-hearted, and our hope undermined.
Fear of failure in prayer can begin really small, like a baby seed planted in a fertile garden. It might start with an observation of someone else’s prayer that didn’t bring the intended result, or arguments from a neighbor contending that prayer doesn’t work on significant issues, or from aggressive ad campaigns touting medicines as the cure for the problem we’re praying about. Whatever the influence may be, each time we entertain a suggestion of failure and harbor a contemplation of it, it’s like watering and fertilizing that small seed in the garden which then germinates and grows into a bigger plant.
It’s best to keep the alien seed out of the bed in the first place before it grows into a monster that appears to tower over us! Don’t harbor any suggestion of failure. Don’t let your prayers get hobbled by caution and doubt.
Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God, — a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love.
I love those words “absolute faith.” Powerful, and right on.
From what I’m learning on the tennis court, caution, fear and doubt are losing strategies. They hamper freedom of movement, cause one to back off when he should be forging ahead, shackles play with indecision, produces wimpy shots that lose the game, and prevents one from advancing to the next level of play.
Failure in Science is impossible. Spiritual healing is not about fixing a body, restoring matter or repairing the human mind. It’s about reflecting God, and that comes naturally to us as children of God.
We are spiritual—now! And our spirituality possesses all the strength, health, sight, might, intelligence and life needed to fully express God. We do not lack. And that’s a truth you can pray out from with confidence.
No more fear of failure….
I’m not a natural athlete, so how to swing a racket, hit a ball with control, and score a point, have taken a lot more work for me than perhaps to others who have run around on fields, thrown balls, and scored points since they were little kids.
But I’m progressing. Yay!
I started working with a new coach a few months ago who has brought my game a long way in a short time.
At his persistent urging, I swing at the ball with gusto and confidence now, can put on the proper topspin, and make some impressive shots.
I’m learning to drop my caution and “go for it.” It makes all the difference.
A handicap of mine on court has been caution. Not a conscious state of mind, but an unconscious fear of failure, I’ve recognized. Rather than over hitting the ball by throwing caution to the wind, I’ve pulled back and pushed the ball over the net. Well, I get the ball over the net, but I wouldn't do anything with it to win a point, and it comes wailing back at me. Not a winning strategy.
One of my “court” prayers has been to conquer the fear, let go of caution, and trust the stroke to place the ball correctly if I hit the ball correctly. It works, fabulously. Caution is leaving my game. And I'm playing much more effectively!
Fear of failure is a horrible detriment to progress.
I’ve watched my son learn to play tennis over the last 5 years, and he’s never had a fear of failure. He just goes for it every time. In his early years, he was constantly hitting the ball long, and I could easily beat him in games with my cautious strokes. But through trial and error he learned to hit the ball correctly and now he pounces all over me. It’s not even a contest anymore he is so far ahead of me in tennis skill. He didn't let fear hold him back.
I’ve applied the lesson to spiritual healing.
As fear of failure amounts to failure on the tennis court, it also becomes a huge hurdle to progress in spiritual healing.
If we harbor a fear of failure when we turn to God in prayer, we pull-back in our faith in God’s ability to heal us. Our confidence is weak, our prayers half-hearted, and our hope undermined.
Fear of failure in prayer can begin really small, like a baby seed planted in a fertile garden. It might start with an observation of someone else’s prayer that didn’t bring the intended result, or arguments from a neighbor contending that prayer doesn’t work on significant issues, or from aggressive ad campaigns touting medicines as the cure for the problem we’re praying about. Whatever the influence may be, each time we entertain a suggestion of failure and harbor a contemplation of it, it’s like watering and fertilizing that small seed in the garden which then germinates and grows into a bigger plant.
It’s best to keep the alien seed out of the bed in the first place before it grows into a monster that appears to tower over us! Don’t harbor any suggestion of failure. Don’t let your prayers get hobbled by caution and doubt.
Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God, — a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love.
I love those words “absolute faith.” Powerful, and right on.
From what I’m learning on the tennis court, caution, fear and doubt are losing strategies. They hamper freedom of movement, cause one to back off when he should be forging ahead, shackles play with indecision, produces wimpy shots that lose the game, and prevents one from advancing to the next level of play.
Failure in Science is impossible. Spiritual healing is not about fixing a body, restoring matter or repairing the human mind. It’s about reflecting God, and that comes naturally to us as children of God.
We are spiritual—now! And our spirituality possesses all the strength, health, sight, might, intelligence and life needed to fully express God. We do not lack. And that’s a truth you can pray out from with confidence.
No more fear of failure….
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Heading off another type of collapse
There are a number of people who saw the economic collapse coming long before it actually happened. In preparation, they saved their money, stayed out of debt and maintained a very conservative financial position. As the stock market has sunk and other assets have deflated, they’ve jumped in and bought up assets on the cheap, and they continue to build their acquisitions as prices sink even lower. They are not suffering at all, but actually prospering.
One lesson I learn from watching these attuned individuals, is that there are always signs ahead of time of what is around the corner, and if one is paying attention and heeding those signs, one will be prepared.
Another impending collapse that may be on the horizon is not economic, but health-wise.
For many years, health experts have been predicting a pandemic flu of worldwide proportions and calamity. It’s only a matter of time they argue. Every year, more articles are published by these scientists with increasing evidence that strains of flu are intensifying, becoming resistant to medical treatment and plaguing people with more severe symptoms.
Two days ago, I heard that 174 children were absent from a local middle school of around 600 children because of illness, presumably flu related. Flu season, they call it.
Mortal mind has a way of fulfilling its prophecies. The pandemic flu is one prophecy that needs to be prevented and pre-empted from happening. It is an unnecessary crime against humanity for a fear of flu to grow to such proportions that people feel useless to combat it or to do anything about it.
God is all-power, and able to stop disease from spreading. Flu is an error of belief that can be countered with spiritual truth and prevented. But to be protected, one must pray and gird their spiritual armor.
Millions of people have already proved the power of prayer to prevent and cure disease, including flu, so how to stop the plague is not an issue. Actually jumping in with the proper spiritual work to be successfully protected probably is the issue!
Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “…those who discern Christian Science will hold crime in check.”
Christian Science explains how God governs the universe. God does not govern through fear and intimidation. God governs through love and good-will. The love of God, at work within, is sufficient to defend one from the flu or any threat of disease.
A Christ-consciousness of truth and love is a sure defense against the flu. It is spiritual immunity from contagion, and it is humanity’s hope of salvation from any pandemic flu predicted for the future.
Let’s head it off now and prevent having to work out of a deeper hole later.
One lesson I learn from watching these attuned individuals, is that there are always signs ahead of time of what is around the corner, and if one is paying attention and heeding those signs, one will be prepared.
Another impending collapse that may be on the horizon is not economic, but health-wise.
For many years, health experts have been predicting a pandemic flu of worldwide proportions and calamity. It’s only a matter of time they argue. Every year, more articles are published by these scientists with increasing evidence that strains of flu are intensifying, becoming resistant to medical treatment and plaguing people with more severe symptoms.
Two days ago, I heard that 174 children were absent from a local middle school of around 600 children because of illness, presumably flu related. Flu season, they call it.
Mortal mind has a way of fulfilling its prophecies. The pandemic flu is one prophecy that needs to be prevented and pre-empted from happening. It is an unnecessary crime against humanity for a fear of flu to grow to such proportions that people feel useless to combat it or to do anything about it.
God is all-power, and able to stop disease from spreading. Flu is an error of belief that can be countered with spiritual truth and prevented. But to be protected, one must pray and gird their spiritual armor.
Millions of people have already proved the power of prayer to prevent and cure disease, including flu, so how to stop the plague is not an issue. Actually jumping in with the proper spiritual work to be successfully protected probably is the issue!
Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “…those who discern Christian Science will hold crime in check.”
Christian Science explains how God governs the universe. God does not govern through fear and intimidation. God governs through love and good-will. The love of God, at work within, is sufficient to defend one from the flu or any threat of disease.
A Christ-consciousness of truth and love is a sure defense against the flu. It is spiritual immunity from contagion, and it is humanity’s hope of salvation from any pandemic flu predicted for the future.
Let’s head it off now and prevent having to work out of a deeper hole later.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Through the eyes of a child
Children were asked to write down their interpretation of the Bible. Here are some of their views...
The Children's Bible in a Nutshell
In the beginning, which occurred near the start, there was nothing but God, darkness, and some gas.
The Bible says, 'The Lord thy God is one, but I think He must be a lot older than that.
Anyway, God said, 'Give me a light!' and someone did. Then God made the world.
He split the Adam and made Eve. Adam and Eve were naked, but they weren't embarrassed because mirrors hadn't been invented yet.
Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating one bad apple, so they were driven from the Garden of Eden. Not sure what they were driven in though, because they didn't have cars.
Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel.
Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived to be like a million or something.
One of the next important people was Noah, who was a good guy, but one of his kids was kind of a Ham.
Noah built a large boat and put his family and some animals on it. He asked some other people to join him, but they said they would have to take a rain check.
After Noah came Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jacob was more famous than his brother, Esau, because Esau sold Jacob his birthmark in exchange for some pot roast.
Jacob had a son named Joseph who wore a really loud sports coat.
Another important Bible guy is Moses, whose real name was Charlton Heston.
Moses led the Israel Lights out of Egypt and away from the evil Pharaoh after God sent ten plagues on Pharaoh's people. These plagues included frogs, mice, lice, bowels, and no cable.
God fed the Israel Lights every day with manicotti. Then he gave them His Top Ten Commandments. These include: don't lie, cheat, smoke, dance, or covet your neighbor's stuff.
Oh, yeah, I just thought of one more: Humor thy father and thy mother.
One of Moses' best helpers was Joshua who was the first Bible guy to use spies. Joshua fought the battle of Geritol and the fence fell over on the town.
After Joshua came David. He got to be king by killing a giant with a slingshot.
He had a son named Solomon who had about 300 wives and 500 porcupines. My teacher says he was wise, but that doesn't sound very wise to me.
After Solomon there were a bunch of major league prophets.
One of these was Jonah, who was swallowed by a big whale and then barfed up on the shore.
There were also some minor league prophets, but I guess we don't have to worry about them.
After the Old Testament came the New Testament. Jesus is the star of The New. He was born in Bethlehem in a barn. (I wish I had been born in a barn too, because my mom is always saying to me, 'Close the door! Were you born in a barn?' It would be nice to say, 'As a matter of fact, I was.')
During His life, Jesus had many arguments with sinners like the Pharisees and the Republicans.
Jesus also had twelve opossums.
The worst one was Judas Asparagus. Judas was so evil that they named a terrible vegetable after him.
Jesus was a great man. He healed many leopards and even preached to some Germans on the Mount.
But the Republicans and all those guys put Jesus on trial before Pontius the Pilot. Pilot didn't stick up for Jesus. He just washed his hands instead.
Anyways, Jesus died for our sins, then came back to life again. He went up to Heaven but will be back at the end of the Aluminum. His return is foretold in the book of Revolution.
The Children's Bible in a Nutshell
In the beginning, which occurred near the start, there was nothing but God, darkness, and some gas.
The Bible says, 'The Lord thy God is one, but I think He must be a lot older than that.
Anyway, God said, 'Give me a light!' and someone did. Then God made the world.
He split the Adam and made Eve. Adam and Eve were naked, but they weren't embarrassed because mirrors hadn't been invented yet.
Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating one bad apple, so they were driven from the Garden of Eden. Not sure what they were driven in though, because they didn't have cars.
Adam and Eve had a son, Cain, who hated his brother as long as he was Abel.
Pretty soon all of the early people died off, except for Methuselah, who lived to be like a million or something.
One of the next important people was Noah, who was a good guy, but one of his kids was kind of a Ham.
Noah built a large boat and put his family and some animals on it. He asked some other people to join him, but they said they would have to take a rain check.
After Noah came Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jacob was more famous than his brother, Esau, because Esau sold Jacob his birthmark in exchange for some pot roast.
Jacob had a son named Joseph who wore a really loud sports coat.
Another important Bible guy is Moses, whose real name was Charlton Heston.
Moses led the Israel Lights out of Egypt and away from the evil Pharaoh after God sent ten plagues on Pharaoh's people. These plagues included frogs, mice, lice, bowels, and no cable.
God fed the Israel Lights every day with manicotti. Then he gave them His Top Ten Commandments. These include: don't lie, cheat, smoke, dance, or covet your neighbor's stuff.
Oh, yeah, I just thought of one more: Humor thy father and thy mother.
One of Moses' best helpers was Joshua who was the first Bible guy to use spies. Joshua fought the battle of Geritol and the fence fell over on the town.
After Joshua came David. He got to be king by killing a giant with a slingshot.
He had a son named Solomon who had about 300 wives and 500 porcupines. My teacher says he was wise, but that doesn't sound very wise to me.
After Solomon there were a bunch of major league prophets.
One of these was Jonah, who was swallowed by a big whale and then barfed up on the shore.
There were also some minor league prophets, but I guess we don't have to worry about them.
After the Old Testament came the New Testament. Jesus is the star of The New. He was born in Bethlehem in a barn. (I wish I had been born in a barn too, because my mom is always saying to me, 'Close the door! Were you born in a barn?' It would be nice to say, 'As a matter of fact, I was.')
During His life, Jesus had many arguments with sinners like the Pharisees and the Republicans.
Jesus also had twelve opossums.
The worst one was Judas Asparagus. Judas was so evil that they named a terrible vegetable after him.
Jesus was a great man. He healed many leopards and even preached to some Germans on the Mount.
But the Republicans and all those guys put Jesus on trial before Pontius the Pilot. Pilot didn't stick up for Jesus. He just washed his hands instead.
Anyways, Jesus died for our sins, then came back to life again. He went up to Heaven but will be back at the end of the Aluminum. His return is foretold in the book of Revolution.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
What in the world is going on?
As I walked down our long driveway to get the newspaper this morning, I thought, “I wonder what is happening in the world today?” With steep stock market declines, bank failures, shrinking GDPs around the world, war in the Far East, and other calamities facing humanity, a major headline of distress seems to hit the headlines about everyday.
Rather than anticipating a new disaster to mull over, I quickly reversed the curious thought and declared, “I know exactly what is happening in the world today! God is in control supplying solutions, providing answers, solving problems and restoring health to troubled nations and peoples around the globe.
It felt so much better to affirm the positive than to stay burdened by the negative.
The human mind lives out what it perceives to be reality. Whether justified or not, if individual thought is embroiled in fear of lack, worry about loss, and fascination with every proclamation of doom broadcast over the media, it is likely to be overwhelmed by a sense of lack, loss and doom. It could start living out those dark impressions of mortal mind, and this is not necessary.
God is an ever-present help in any time of trouble. Christ is always at work in human consciousness supplying wisdom, insight, guidance and direction that enables one to overcome struggle and demonstrate success.
The purpose of prayer is to open thought to Christ’s presence and let God’s help be revealed.
However, if we let mortal mind capture our attention with prophecies of doom and gloom, we aren’t listening to God. We are not praying. Mental absorption into negative news takes thought into a foreign land of loneliness, despair and discouragement. It is not a helpful perspective to hold on to. It’s destructive mesmerism, and it needs to be reversed with conscientious and meaningful prayer.
So, as I meandered down the rest of the driveway to the paper box, I decided not to wait until I read the headlines to decide what was happening in the world today. I was not looking forward to reading more depressing news. I was going to know ahead of time what was spiritually true about the world I lived in before I read the paper!
This type of positive expectancy felt so much better…
What do you expect to find in the world today?
Rather than anticipating a new disaster to mull over, I quickly reversed the curious thought and declared, “I know exactly what is happening in the world today! God is in control supplying solutions, providing answers, solving problems and restoring health to troubled nations and peoples around the globe.
It felt so much better to affirm the positive than to stay burdened by the negative.
The human mind lives out what it perceives to be reality. Whether justified or not, if individual thought is embroiled in fear of lack, worry about loss, and fascination with every proclamation of doom broadcast over the media, it is likely to be overwhelmed by a sense of lack, loss and doom. It could start living out those dark impressions of mortal mind, and this is not necessary.
God is an ever-present help in any time of trouble. Christ is always at work in human consciousness supplying wisdom, insight, guidance and direction that enables one to overcome struggle and demonstrate success.
The purpose of prayer is to open thought to Christ’s presence and let God’s help be revealed.
However, if we let mortal mind capture our attention with prophecies of doom and gloom, we aren’t listening to God. We are not praying. Mental absorption into negative news takes thought into a foreign land of loneliness, despair and discouragement. It is not a helpful perspective to hold on to. It’s destructive mesmerism, and it needs to be reversed with conscientious and meaningful prayer.
So, as I meandered down the rest of the driveway to the paper box, I decided not to wait until I read the headlines to decide what was happening in the world today. I was not looking forward to reading more depressing news. I was going to know ahead of time what was spiritually true about the world I lived in before I read the paper!
This type of positive expectancy felt so much better…
What do you expect to find in the world today?