Friday, October 17, 2008

Feeling close to God

A friend recently relayed to me how she was praying to feel closer to God.

At first, she blamed God for the feeling of separation, but then realized she was pointing the finger of blame in the wrong direction.

She repeated the familiar adage she had picked up somewhere...

"If you're ever feeling separated from God, it's never a question of who moved."

So true. God never leaves us. Humans leave God by seeking help, support, and consolation in places that are not spiritual--in matter or in mortals.

God is Spirit, and it's in Spirit that we feel God's closeness.

God never moves. Divine Love is always the same.

Like coming home and finding peace, we need to "stay home" with God, and we'll never feel separated from the divine care and provision.


Anonymous said...

how how how how
tell us more about how!

evan said...

One way is by spiritualizing one's priorities. For example, the individual seeking love through another person, or in the belief that they need another person, has a mortal priority. They are seeking a mortal for love. And they may continue to feel very lonely because love is not IN a mortal. It's in God. Seek God, divine Love, the very source of all love to begin with, and the loneliness will disappear.

There is no loneliness in divine Love. But seeking divine Love must be the priority, not seeking another person.

gabrielahorbaty said...

hi, but then is it bad to cherish commpanionship?

evan said...

All of God's children are ideas of Love. To seek companionship is to cherish the true idea of Love that each individual embodies. When seeking the right idea of your fellowman/woman is the priority, there will be no shortage of companions! They will love to get to know you...

Shelely said...

Regarding companionship and relationships, remember to get the horse before the cart. The need is ALWAYS met, just "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you" ... When the mental lesson is reached the healing comes as what is really going on is a opening up of our own view of what is already there - Shelley

Anonymous said...

On pointing your finger at someone else. . .

When you point your finger at someone else, there's always 3 fingers pointing back at you. Just point your finger at something and look at your hand and you'll see what is meant. ;)


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