Sunday, August 10, 2008

Can you think for yourself?

One lesson learned in the practice of Christian Science is that you have to often ignore what the physical senses tell you in order to reason correctly. If the senses say the body is sick, to heal the body, you cannot keep agreeing with the senses, or the body stays ill. The belief has to be corrected with spiritual truth. And to do that, one has to stop taking in the sense testimony and start reasoning correctly, from a spiritual point of view.

How successful are you at denying the evidence of the senses in order to reason correctly?

Here's a fun test of reason over sense-testimony that a reader sent to me recently.

Give it a try and see how you do.


The exercise came as follows...
Can you follow directions?

Bet you can't get 100 on the first try.

This is pretty neat! See how you do with the colors. Have fun!

It takes an average of 5 tries to get to 100%. Follow the directions. It's harder than it seems, as it should be!


Frances said...

It took me several tries to get 100%. What a fun way to challenge the thought process.

Anonymous said...

Fooled me the first time but not the second.
Very tricky--but fun!

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