Monday, May 5, 2008


Have you ever been plagued by the WHAT IF syndrome? You know, the old “What if…?” question that comes in the form of doubt, fear and worry about your future and includes speculation that the worst of options is about to swoop down and overcome you?

It comes in the form of questions like:

What if this pain is the beginning of something worse?
What if I can't pay my bills?
What if I get fired?
What if I fail?
What if I can’t do it?
What if nothing happens?
And on and on and on…

I finally heard a counter to all these What if…questions a couple of months ago.

When a patient was relaying her list of What ifs…it suddenly occurred to me, that the appropriate question to be asking was not What if…? but What is…? And not so much as a question, but as an affirmation of Truth.

“What is true here!” is the question we should be asking, rather than getting all absorbed into what is not true.

The What if…? question rooted in fear is mortal mind speculation and typically leads to a downward spiral in reasoning that takes one further and further away from truth. If indulged in too far, it can actually produce the very circumstance one fears. And what benefit is that? None…

So, it is to be avoided.


But affirming What is!!!

God is All. God is Spirit, and God is good.
There is no room in Spirit for error to exist, let alone grow.
There is no error in Spirit.
Man is spiritual.
God is in control. The future is under God’s control.
God is making good things happen.
Health is spiritual, and health is permanent.
Good is happening.
and on and on and on…

Try it.

Don’t let the What if…? apparition steal any of your mental time and energy. Turn it out summarily and replace it with What is!


Kathie said...

I had practically the same revelation this week when I noticed that the only verb used in the Scientific Statement of Being is "is". So it's actually a statement of "what is!" true about man. Any "what if?" statements are those with which mortal mind would tempt/deceive us. Knowing the reality of "what is", we have the dominion to confidently refuse our consent, and remain safely in the reality of "Love alone IS Life."

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