I'd like to introduce a video that will rapidly expand your understanding of the mental nature of vision.
As a prelude, it's helpful to understand that a fundamental teaching of Christian Science is the truth that “All is Mind.” In this universe of Mind, faculties of sense are spiritual, not material. They are part of the eternal spiritual life the divine creator has given us. In the spiritual life which we possess now, sight and hearing are dependent upon Mind, not upon matter, for existence and continuity.
This may sound like a far-out concept to grasp to the mundane human mind believing that matter is the all-and-all of the universe. But indications of its truthfulness pop up in the most unexpected places. And this web-video a reader alerted me to, is one of those instances.
Check it out. It’s shy of 10 minutes in length, and reveals unmistakably the mental nature of sight.
This artist’s abilities prove that things are thoughts, and readily discerned by the mind that is receptive to them.
Extraordinary people – The artist with no eyes
How transient a sense is mortal sight, when a wound on the retina may end the power of light and lens! But the real sight or sense is not lost. Neither age nor accident can interfere with the senses of Soul, and there are no other real senses. Mary Baker Eddy
To understand that Mind is infinite, not bounded by corporeality, not dependent upon the ear and eye for sound or sight nor upon muscles and bones for locomotion, is a step towards the Mind-science by which we discern man's nature and existence. Mary Baker Eddy
Thank you, Evan. That truly is a wonderful testament to the eternal truth that sight is truly of Mind, and that we don't need eyes to see, but, in fact, we have eyes because we can see.
The neat thing is that it inspires me as a composer. Soul truly is the communicator.
I recently saw a video of a lady giving a lecture on music. She was a percussionist. She spoke eloquently and played flawlessly with feeling.
I did not realize until have way through the lecture that she was totally deaf.
It shows that the qualities that she was expressing are spiritual.
When you have your sight and hearing it is easy to think that these faculties are mental. But for the one who lacks these gifts it is very difficult and most humbling to try to negotiate in a business world.
I pray for healing but continue to struggle. I now question if I am wortrhy in God's eyes! With all of my years of study in CS, I feel more and more like just a vulnerable mortal waiting for the next hit!
A truly amazing video. Thanks for passing it on. This came to mind when I watched it:
Mis 22:10-12 Christian Science translates Mind, God,to mortals. It is the infinite calculus defining the line,plane, space, and fourth dimension of Spirit.
Thank you so much for your wonderful blog. So many inspiring articles and clear illustrations of important metaphysical points.
Love and gratitude from Amanda
To 1st anon above,
You certainly are worthy in God's eyes! And it's important to remember that in "God's eyes," you are immortal, not mortal. To accept this reality for yourself is to take yourself out of the range of mortal mind. Mortal mind cannot "hit" you in your immortality. A spiritual being is safe and secure in Spirit, always. And this is what CS is all about, revealing to us our immortality. This is the path Jesus Christ led his followers down--to immortality. Jesus took huge "hits" mortally, but survived them all because he knew his immortality. His understanding of immortality saved him from mortality.
So, I'd encourage you to drop that notion that you are a vulnerable mortal! That is definitely not CS. You are an immortal, living in Spirit, under the control of divine Mind, where Life is eternal. It's a very safe place to be and the only place we find ourselves to be as the mortal false sense is left behind.
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