Only in quiet waters do things mirror themselves undistorted.
Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.
~ Hans Margolius

I like the above quote because it reminds me of what happens when we put Christian Science into practice.
From a material point of view, the universe looks chaotic, disordered, diseased, and rife with death. The human mind, absorbed by the material evidence, likewise feels chaotic, disordered, diseased, and subject to death.
But adopt a spiritual perspective of the universe, the "kingdom of heaven at hand" that Jesus Christ preached, and the disturbances in the human mind begin to calm and disappear. Quiet takes over. And when quieted by spiritual truth, the human mind becomes as a mirror for what is real in Spirit.
A "quiet mind" is not a dormant mind, but a spiritually peaceful consciousness of Truth and Love. In this divine consciousness, spiritual reality appears, and the world is seen correctly, from the point of view that God created it in the first place--as wholly good.
And that's a wonderful place to be.
Thank You Evan for sharing this. I love the idea of "quite mind" getting rid of all the material intrusions. Allowing only God good into our thinking. Along with that, to "stand porter at the door" to not allow the material intrusions take hold in the first place.
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