Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I thought I was abused
Because I had no shoes
Until I met a man
Who had no feet.
~ Old Arabian Proverb


Anonymous said...

I don't get it!
Does this mean we should always be satisfied with our lot because there's always someone worse off?

evan said...

No, no, no, that's not the way I look at it. I see it as a reminder to always be grateful. There are many people in the world that think the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. We have green grass on our side of the fence all the time, but an ungrateful heart doesn't see it.

The man "without the feet" is symbolic for the imperfect man of mortal mind's belief system. In essence, in our moments of unelightenment, we may look at our feet and see no shoes, and think we lack. But if we take an honest look at mortal mind's man, he not only has no shoes but "has no feet" either. We must turn from the material, not size ourselves or others up materially, and we will never see lack, whether it's a belief of shoes or feet.

Always be grateful. You are complete and whole just the way God made you.

Anonymous said...

WOW, that's powerful stuff! Thank you for explaining that. Puts a whole new light on it.

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