The incredible risks and dangers people take to drive down their chosen path is often breath-taking. I’m not sure I’m ready to jump into a pack wagon and drive it down this road! There’s no turning back…and sometimes, no place to go.

The path of materialism, consumerism, and sensualism are the dangerous paths to pursue, for they are fraught with untold danger that shoves us off-track morally, spiritually, and physically. The materialist is unsure about what’s coming from the other direction, and often gets pushed aside and sent over the brink when squeezed by trying circumstances.
One moral I pick up from studying these pictures is to not let mortal mind take us down a road we don’t want to go, namely, down a path of seeking success through material ways and means which yields unpredictable, uncertain and unreliable results. To remain safe, we must stick to the straight and narrow way of Spirit that is girded and governed by divine Love.
Driving down the road of Life, there will be no obstructing traffic coming from the other direction, no competition for space along the path, and no danger of slipping over the edge. Love holds our feet in place, and keeps us out of places we don’t belong.
Happy journeys!
Looks great!
Wanna see it myself :)
The first two pictures are not from Bolivia. They show Guoliang Tunnel in China.
Thanks Mark for straightening that out!
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