From a young age, my son would go outside in cold weather dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. I would go outside in a winter coat and say, “Tyler get a coat on. It’s cold out here!” He would predictably reply, “I don’t need a coat, dad. It’s hot out here!” And he would run and play with absolutely no negative consequences from cold weather. Or at least, what I thought was cold weather.
Disease is like cold. Christian Science explains that disease is not real. It’s not the reality it appears to be to the mortal mind that believes in it. It’s the supposed absence of health. And the cure for disease is not to study disease, but to re-discover health.
Like warming up a cold room by turning up the heat, we cure illness by “turning up the health,” so to speak…
Health is a state of Mind, of the divine Mind expressed through us.
Jesus Christ, the master spiritual healer of all time, never studied disease to figure out how to cure it. He understood health, and cured his patients based upon his understanding of the divine reality.
Disease does not exist, just like cold does not exist.
When there’s little heat, we call it cold, but it’s really just less heat. We dispel the cold by finding more warmth.
When there’s little evidence of health, medical theory calls the condition disease, but it’s really just less evidence of health. We dispel the disease by finding more health.
What’s the moral of all this reasoning?
Don’t focus on disease as if it’s a reality. It’s not. It’s the absence of reality. It’s not a real thing to be gotten rid of. It’s a call to gain more health, and the health we’re looking for is not found in the study of sickness. It’s found in a deeper understanding of Truth and our eternal expression of it.
God is the source and creator of all health.
Happy health seeking!
"Jesus Christ, the master spiritual healer of all time, never studied disease to figure out how to cure it. He understood health, and cured his patients based upon his understanding of the divine reality."
Dear Evan, how can you know that? Such I think mars an otherwise excellent article.
Best Wishes.
Darkness is the absence of light, but that doesn't mean darkness is not real. If you have no light to dispel the darkness, then the darkness is real.Darkness is unreal only if we could produce light anytime we wanted.
For example, how can you tell a man who is locked in a pitch dark room without any source of light, that darkness is not real? In the same way, how can you tell a man suffering from disease that health is the only reality?
To anon above,
How do I know Jesus never studied disease...?
Well, you have a good point there...what I meant was, he didn't take up a material study of it, for example, from a chemical or biological point of view. He certainly did understand the mental dynamics involved, and from that point of view, I suppose you could say "he studied it." But he did not make it a reality. He made it an unreality. For instance, when the disciples asked about the man born blind from birth, "Who did sin, this man or his parents that he was born blind?" Jesus did not sink to the level of looking for a cause. He replied that neither had sinned, but the man was born to manifest the works of God. And then the blindness was healed. Jesus understood the spiritual reality about the patient enough to free him of the false belief, and this understanding came from his understanding of God, of Truth.
To anon above,
How can one say darkness is not real...
It is a relative state isn't it, as you point out. Darkness is not real in the sense that you cannot measure it like light. It does look very real when you're standing in it. Likewise, disease feels very real in the mindset of it. How to tell someone suffering that disease is not real? It's not the first place to start. You have to help by showing them what is real through love, compassion and understanding...by turning on "the light of Love" for them, so to speak. You have to do it through example. And as they tangibly feel the love, their fears dissolve, healing starts to happen, and they begin to see, that, yes, disease is not the reality it appears to be.
Evan, that is SUCH a good explanation of the way healing happens for someone who doesn't necessarily have a background in Christian Science. It would sound terribly callous and flippant to say, "Disease isn't real" to a person living with a scary diagnosis or painful symptoms.
The concept of absolute vs. relative is so hard to grasp -- especially when everything in the human experience (the relative) seems to argue against the reality of perfect, harmonious spiritual existence (the absolute).
Telling someone that disease is only an illusion won't heal him. But healing him will show him that disease is only an illusion.
Right on!
I LOVE this..,your explanation reminds me of what a very dear man who was an experienced healer shared with me about healing and its analogous relationship to cold and heat some years ago...it has since been a reliable foothold in my own practice of spiritual healing...thanks, Kate
I love the analogy of the heat and health. Thank you. It adds to the many ways of explaining why there is no disease.
Great blog! I love the distinction between cold and heat, dark and light. It is a simple analogy that gives a very practical way of how shifting our perspective transforms the picture.
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