I received the below experience today from a reader that points out to a degree what real substance is and where to find it. It’s not things, money and objects that constitute the real, but ideas—spiritual ideas coming from God. And they are forever present in Mind, the creator of them.
The orchestra teacher showed a short film to my class today about JS Bach called “Bach's Fight for Freedom.”
In it, a person who was very angry at Bach grabbed his recent manuscripts and ripped them to shreds in front of Bach while yelling something like—“This is what I think of your precious music, look at it, where is it now?”
Bach calmly sat down at the harpsichord while looking him steadily in the eye and began to play the pieces. He said, "You destroyed paper—that’s all. The music is still here (pointing to his head). You can't take my music.”
Later, while arguing for Bach's freedom from servitude to the Duke, another said "Bach is already free. No matter how long you keep him locked up he will always have his music, so he will always be free."
He was finally released from servitude to the church and to the Duke to work at the palace where the full range of his music finally gained the notoriety we know today.
I thought this story was a great example of the substantiality of Spirit and a cool way of seeing how things of the Spirit can never be lost.
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