Two days ago, a new friend told me how she lost a lot of weight when in elementary school.
While in 4th grade, she was the fattest kid in school, she said. To help remedy the problem, during summer break, her mom called a Christian Science practitioner and asked the practitioner to metaphysically treat her daughter everyday to be fit while the family went on a two week camping trip. The practitioner said little, and agreed to help.
During vacation, the youngster didn’t think much about food, her weight, or losing pounds. She laid out in the sun much of the day, swam, participated in the outdoor activities, and had a good time with her family.
When she got back home, none of her clothes fit. She weighed herself, and was astounded to see she had dropped from around 125 pounds to 75 pounds in two weeks.
Her playmates on the street didn’t recognize her. When she went to Sunday school, the others wondered who she was. The practitioner, who was a bit overweight herself, came to visit and see with her own eyes how much weight her patient had lost. The transformation seemed incredible, yet it happened.
Truth is powerful.
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword… Hebrews
When I lost excess weight over twenty years ago, I had a similar experience. Once I got the spiritual view of myself correct, 20 pounds melted off in three weeks. I was so caught up into my fitness as a child of God that I wasn’t aware of what was happening to the body until my pants refused to stay on any longer. The spiritual reality had so overwhelmed my perspective that I wasn’t thinking about losing weight. I was thinking about my perfect spiritual self.
This is the ideal! Spiritual healing is not about changing matter. It’s about getting the right idea that God created in the first place.
God made each of us healthy, fit and under control. Hold to the truth about your spiritual identity, and Truth will reshape and re-form the body to conform.
And it might happen rapidly.