Tuesday, November 7, 2006

The Divine Payroll

Whose payroll are you on?

Jobs come and go. Salaries fluctuate. Paychecks get spent. But there’s one income that never fails. It’s your divine income from God.

It was a great leap of faith for me when I went into the full-time practice of Christian Science 20 years ago. I had little money in the bank, and prospects of earning much in the healing ministry looked dim. Yet, my heart was committed to the helping others spiritually and forward I went.

Our income was meager the first few years of my practice, but my family’s needs were met more than adequately. Money came in unexpected ways and from unexpected places. My wife and I lived modestly, but were happy as could be in our respective activities. And that is true wealth, in my estimation.

After reading Alan Cohen’s article on “You heal, life supports you,” I was reminded how money comes through human channels, but the source of all income is inspired by God and can appear in any number of different ways. Even as "manna from heaven."

My motto in the practice has always been “Attend to God’s business, and God’s business will attend to you.” Our monetary needs have always been met, without fail, and in abundance over time.

As Cohen points out, we were on the Divine Payroll.

For all of you engaged in selfless deeds and charitable giving, you might enjoy his article, and easily relate to his point.

The Divine payroll is big enough to include everyone. Even you!



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