In pursuit of spiritual understanding, many people do much reading, but then wonder what they have to show for their effort. A key to success in demonstrating genuine spirituality is putting into practice what we study.“At the Day of Judgment we shall not be asked what we have read but what we have done.”
~Thomas ‘A Kempis
I know from experience, that after studying for very long, I have to stop reading and do something with what I learned. Treat a patient, write an article, make a thoughtful phone call, care for the family…something, anything to experience fulfillment of the ideas I took in.
The world is full of people in need. There is no shortage of opportunity to put spiritual ideas into practice, which is what living genuine spirituality involves.
And the neat part is, everyone is benefited—the giver and the gifted.
It's not a new idea, but the impact produced if each of us made a concious effort to put into practice what we study just once per day would be profound. A healing prayer, a kind word of encouragement, holding a door for someone with a smile. Each is an expression of the divine love that we all express. No act is too small, and none are insignificant.
I know for myself that I try to express God's love in all that I do, and still I can easily find many opportunities in my day to express more. If each of us make that concious decision we will change the world.
Thank you Evan. Your daily sharing and clear thoughts are part of my daily reading. Thank you for the reminder of the need for daily practice.
You are welcome. I can see you holding that door open right now!
...and with a smile!! :)
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