In thinking through the true nature of health yesterday, I realized there’s no such thing as bad health. Believing in bad health is like believing in bad honesty, or bad love, or bad compassion. “Bad health” is a contradiction of terms, for health, understood spiritually, never goes bad. It’s always good.
“Health is not a condition of matter, but of Mind…” Science and Health explains. Health is not a state of the flesh, measured in pulse, blood content or bio-rhythms. Health is God expressed.
Jesus Christ, the Master healer of all time, never consulted the body to determine a patient’s health. Jesus consulted Truth, and acted according to what was spiritually correct about the person. He knew that health never changes. It is a state of Mind permanently fixed in Spirit, and expressed in man’s spiritual selfhood.
A sick body does not denote bad health. It images a wrong concept of man.
Health is not in the body anymore than love resides in the heart.
To illustrate, can you find love in the body? You may smile, hug someone, or engage in an act of kindness, but the smile, hug or act are not the beholders of the love they express. They are the effect of love felt in thought, and the source of that loving thought is God.
The same rule applies to health.
The body may express health in the form of a properly functioning heart, a strong gait, or an upright posture, but the dwelling place of that health is not in the heart, legs or back. It’s in God.
Believing health is in the body is like believing love is in lips. The lips may conform to a commonly accepted expression of affection called a smile, but love exists totally independent of lips.
If the lips don’t smile, that doesn’t mean love is lacking. It’s a thought of love that appears to be missing.
How to find the happy thought and inspire the lips? Go to God, the source of all love to begin with. Tap into Mind with spiritual sense, feel the omnipresence of God’s infinite good, and the inspiration comes once again.
Health is a state of Mind, of the divine Mind, expressed through us. Its love, wisdom, purity, morality, and spirituality manifest.
There’s no such thing as bad health, because there’s no such thing as a bad God.
There is one God, good, divine Love. And God is the producer, creator, and substance of all health.
Don’t look to the body for something you’ll never find there. Look to God, the source of all good, and there you’ll discover the health you were looking for all along.
It’s yours to claim today.
Thanks Evan. This is wonderful. Just what I needed at this moment and those moments to follow.
You are welcome!
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