Look how small earth is compared to Jupiter.

But the sun is thousands of times bigger than the earth...or is it millions??
And Arcturus is thousands of times bigger than our sun...
Earth is invisible at the above scale.
And Antares is thousands of times larger than Arcturus...
After seeing how puny the earth is relative to other suns and planets elsewhere, I wondered about my concept of God. Is my concept of God earth-sized when it should be Antares sized? Or even bigger???
God is infinite.
Infinite is pretty big…bigger than big. It’s not a material quantity, it’s an infinite Mind. There are no limits, no boundaries, no temporal outlines and finite measurements to it. God is everywhere, everyplace, at all times and in all ways. There is none else. There is none other.
That’s pretty big!
Is your God that big?
I have always liked the title of one of the books written by JB Phillips "Your God is too small", and sometimes when I have felt oppressed by some kind of limitation, I have asked myself that question: "Is my God too small?" That is, is my CONCEPT of God too small?
Thanks for your excellent blog, Evan, it is a constant source of inspiration. Like the infamous Japanese water torture in reverse: a constant drip, drip, drip of inspiration!
You are welcome, Amanda. Drip, drip, drip...I like that!
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