They read something like: “1 in 7 people will get [fill in the illness] by age 65.” These ads are designed to create fear in potential customers and sell medical product or services.
Be alert!
Mary Baker Eddy wisely wrote,
“Admitting only such conclusions as you wish realized in bodily results, you will control yourself harmoniously.” Science and Health, p. 392.
When I see the ads, and I don't look for them, I reverse their argument to prevent myself from being subtly influenced.
“I will never get the disease,” I vehemently protest. And add, “0 in 7 people are susceptible.”
Christian Science teaches that disease is illusion of the human mind. It does appear very real to the mind that believes it, but can be healed through the Christ that destroys it.
If we want to stay healthy, it’s in our best interest to keep suggestions of disease—any disease—completely and entirely out of consciousness. By flooding thought with truth about the spiritual and perfect nature of God’s man, we keep our mental precincts clean of evil influence.
Be alert! The long term benefits are worth the effort.
very helpful.
Not only are those statistics a lie within the world of Spirit, but I have even heard that they aren't always accurate within the world of matter. Often a phrase is eliminated to make the statistic sound more encompassing, i.e. "....1 in every 3 people who have ever smoked as teenagers..." or "2 in every 5 women over the age of 100...". Instead, it will often read "...1 in every 3 people who have smoked..." or " 2 in every 5 women..." Get the picture? There is deception no matter how you look at it.
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