Monday, September 4, 2006

Do you have time for God?

Some people believe they don’t have time for God. But is this true?

God is all good. God is all love. God is all wealth. God is all health. God is all happiness. God is all true success. If we don’t time for health, love and happiness, what do we have time for?

There is great misunderstanding in the world at large about the nature of God. Many think of God as remote to their experience, as being somewhere else in the universe not paying attention to what is going on locally. But this is a limited view of God stemming from the age-old belief of God being a man in the sky or some type of human savior that has limited ability.

God is infinite Love, an all-knowing Mind, and ever-present Spirit. We cannot think, act or exist without God. Our existence and God are one and the same. So to believe we don’t have time for God is to totally misunderstand our relationship to God.

If we’re working on a project and are on a tight deadline, every right idea we think to complete the work is coming from God. If we have a family to feed and clothe, every act of love and care for those family members is God in action through us. If we have a business to run, we can’t do it without intelligence, wisdom and insight—all God in action. We can’t do anything without God.

Now, there are some things that have nothing to do with God—like anger, hate, frustration, and discouragement. These are godless states of thought, and as we learn through experience, no joy comes from them. Eventually the suffering that results from indulging in such demoralized ways of thinking causes us to turn from them and we are more receptive to God’s ever-present help. But even when life looks dim and gray, God is there sustaining us, giving us life, perpetuating our being and ensuring we will live forever and triumph over every evil lie.

Do you have time for God? God is all you do have time for if you want to live a happy healthy life. God is all the good you pursue. God is responsible for all the success you accomplish, and all the strength, wisdom, insight and confidence that enable you to continue and prosper.

God is it. God is all there is in the big picture scheme of things. Without God we are a nothing. But we are not a nothing. We are something, and the real substance of the “something” is God at work through us.


Anonymous said...

I work on a large and complex gas project in Africa. Some days I think there is no way I can make it through the day and now way all the problems can be solved.
I have turned those problems over to God and asked his guidance and help.
I have found the problems that were insurmountable go away and I feel far less stressed when I let go and ask God for help.

God has helped me get through what I used to feel were hopeless situations. All it took was a 15 second prayer asking for help. It works.

Anonymous said...

I like this article very much. Lately though, I feel I just want to go to sleep and that all the dreams I had to change the world for the better are for nought. I believe we have to give our consent to die, and lately, I am finding myself more inclined to do so. All the condemnation about myself is surfacing, even tho' I've made great progress in recent months. But I am in very deep debt, and feel sometimes like my life is filled with the "ingratitude of barren lives." I had such hopes for helping and healing mankind, but my lack of confidence because of some setbacks in recent years, sometimes get overwhelming. Friends would say I'm joyful and upbeat - and a good healer...

Evan said...

To anonymous above...don't give up! You have much good to give, and God's help to aide in giving it. We all have mountains to climb at times, but God's ever-present strength and support get us to the top and over the other side. There's no better time and place than now to finish the trek and claim the prize. Your friends obviously see good in you. You can too! Much love,

MARIA... said...

Dear Anonymous Friend,

I have found that when things seem overwhelming, I need to wake up to God's presence in my life in little ways. When supply seems an issue, I try to be thankful for every penny I may find lying on the street, for every usable coupon I find, for the things I need being on sale at the grocery store, for the hand-me-downs for my kids, foe each proof of divine Love meeting my every human need. Sometimes at work, I am grateful for every email that gets answered and every letter photocopied as proof of God in action in the minutia of life--as proof that I really "can of my own self do nothing." Because life is eternal, our opportunities to fulfill the desires God has put in our hearts, isn't limited to the seeming mortal life span. Maybe right now I need to learn the humble lessons of a janitor. Maybe at some point in eternity, I will get a change to practice the control and fearlessness of a race car driver. But I have no doubt that (even thought at times it may seem like light years away), that your and my desires to be active healers will be realized. And we can start by being grateful for every healing smile that God send through us to a neighbor. Don't look backwards (or forwards); love the good of now!


Evan said...


Your thoughts are beautiful and so well put. Thank you!

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