Two studies claim rats and mice living in sewers and filthy environments are healthier and have stronger immune systems than their cousins who live in squeaky clean labs.
Researchers see a lesson for humans. People can overdo concerns about hygiene. Humans living in a protected environment scoured of dirt, germs and other undesirables, seem to be more prone to allergies, asthma and similar health problems. Observers trace better health of the filthy rodents back to a stronger immune system developed from exposure to more of the elements, believing the same rule may apply to people.
Does this mean we should all get more exposed to filth and dirt to stay healthy? Perhaps. But there’s another influence at work researchers haven’t yet noticed: the fear factor.
From a metaphysical point of view, the reason people and/or rodents wouldn’t develop strong immune systems in antiseptic environments is not because they aren’t exposed to germs, but because they are afraid of germs. The antiseptic environment is generally a fear-laden place, and fear is weakness. A body governed by fear is a weak body, whether one is exposed to germs or not. The antidote is to understand what constitutes true immunity.
Immunity is spiritual mindedness. It’s a consciousness of Truth and Love that does not fear. It comes from God, and is available to each of us.
As we identify ourselves spiritually and know God is in control of our life, shaping and forming our health and well being, we demonstrate protection from harm in the material environment. Germs that appear to affect the fear-governed body do not impact the body governed by fearlessness.
So, fear not! Germs or no germs, it really doesn’t matter to how healthy you remain. It’s spiritual truth that preserves and builds strength.
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