Monday, May 15, 2006

No need for oil?

Can you imagine an economy not dependent upon oil? Citizens in Sweden can. Sweden has resolved to go oil-free within the next 15 years, Yes! magazine reports. Plans call for renewables—including biofuels, wind, and wave power—to replace fossil fuels by the year 2020 contributor Langendoen wrote for the Summer 2006 issue of Yes!

The conceivable is the possible.

Today, the long run future of oil looks bleak. Supply is limited. Gas prices are high. Oil companies tap ever dwindling reservoirs and developing countries have a voracious appetite for more crude. People worry about what will happen when oil runs out.

But we don’t have to fear.

Rather than fret over the obvious, we can prepare for the inevitable. If we can think it, we can do it.

We live in a universe of Mind where infinite possibilities for progress and advancement exist. Oil has served a valuable purpose in the past, but its future is short. Rather than complain about the limits, we must open thought to new practices and potential for tomorrow.

The economy is not dependent upon oil, but upon Mind, the infinite divine Mind that is filled with new ideas and progressive options.

Swedes are not waiting until shortage forces action. They are taking initiative and preparing for the inevitable. Maybe they’re setting an example for the rest of us to follow?


Kim said...

Wonderfully hopeful and helpful comments! I love the idea "We live in a universe of Mind where infinite possibilities for progress and advancement exist."

Brazil is also fast moving forward in developing fuel from sugar, and already is very successful with it.

We can never lack the spiritual qualities that fuel (no pun intended)the innovation and creativity needed to solve our oil "crisis"

Thanks for your thoughts!

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