“I was feeling very down and wondering why,” a friend told me this morning. “Then I realized millions of people were lamenting the death of Jesus Christ in preparation for Easter. So I prayed to know their focus on death could not take my joyous life away. And the depression lifted,” she exuded with delight.
It’s important to not let other people’s negative perspective affect our thinking unconsciously if we wish to stay happy and healthy.
Easter is about celebrating life, not death. Jesus’ death on the cross was a tragedy of human ignorance and hate of the spirituality Jesus embodied, but the primary focus of Jesus’ preaching was not on death. It was on Life eternal at-one with God.
Come out and be separate, Paul exclaimed. In this Easter season, come out and be separate from any public fixation on death and celebrate the eternal life Jesus Christ demonstrated.
There is no reason to get depressed. Eternal Life--and health and joy--has been expressed by Christ for our benefit, and is ours to claim today!
Hi Evan -
Thanks for your wonderful site -- and wonderful insights into many of life's events.
I'll be back!
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