Tuesday, January 31, 2006

A reply to loneliness

A “love-letter” to a widow who was feeling very lonely.

Dear Helen,

I love you!

I love you in the morning. I love you in the evening. I love you when you go to work. I love you when you come home.

I love to put my arms around you and hold you. I love to comfort you, to encourage you, to console you. I love to see you smile.

I never forget about you. You’re always on my mind. You never leave my thought. I cannot get you out of my thought! You are my cherished, my reason to be, and my beloved. I can’t imagine life without you!

I am grateful for all you are, your goodness, your unselfishness, your charity, your love. You are a blessing for me, for others. It gives me great joy to know we are inseparable.

I look forward to even more good unfolding, tomorrow, the next day, and the next. There is no end to the joy and happiness we can experience together. What a joy life is in each other’s company.

Yours truly,


“Thy Maker is thine husband.” (Isaiah 54:5)


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