Shortly after graduating from college, it occurred to me one day that if I wanted to pray for people and heal them spiritually on a full-time basis, I would have to be thinking about God all of the time.
I grew uncomfortable.
Was it possible, or even healthy, to think about God full-time? I asked myself. There were so many other jobs that needed to be done to survive in this world.
Then it hit me.
God is All. There isn’t anything else to think about!
God is the source of all good, peace, harmony, health and well being--of everything and anything one could ever possibly need to live a happy whole life.
There is no other place to go, no other task to finish, no better way to spend time then finding the good one hopes for at its source. In God!
God is All. There is no other power or presence worth worshipping.
Think on it.
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