Friday, February 27, 2009
No stage acting
In one of the commentaries I read, the author said the word hypocrite means “stage actor.” Wow! I thought. That really brings meaning to the term.
Stage actor!
The word hypocrite is not one many people use in everyday vocabulary, so might feel remote to one’s experience when heard. But when the phrase stage actor is substituted, it can hit home rapidly.
I pondered different ways people put on a show but think contrari-wise.
For instance, have you ever been cordial and pleasant to someone, but entertained suggestions like, “This person is low-life?”
That’s stage acting, hypocrisy.
Or, have you ever told yourself you would pray about a problem tomorrow, and then not pray about it tomorrow? That’s stage acting. You make a show of right intent, but don’t follow through.
Or, have you ever thought, “I’m going to do something special for my wife this weekend,” and then put it off to the next weekend, and the next, and the next…. That’s stage acting. Voicing good intent, but not following through.
Have you ever told someone they did a really good job but complained internally about how poor they did? That’s stage acting, hypocrisy. There is a lack of sincerity.
And the list seems to go on…
Stage acting. Hypocrisy. One and the same thing.
An actor steps into the role of someone else, acts out the life and thoughts of another, and when they finish their show they default back to their native self. This is what a hypocrite does. They step into the role of someone they are not, put on a show, and when the play is done, revert back to their native inclinations and patterns of behavior.
So, what's our salvation from the depravity of hypocrisy? Live true to the integrity of God's child.
God’s child is not a hypocrite, a stage actor or a show. God’s child is honest, sincere, true, faithful, and pure through and through. God’s child does what he says and says what he does. There is total congruency in thought, word and action.
This is a high ideal to demonstrate, but the only one that gets us into heaven. Jesus had this figured out over 2000 years ago. And we can get it straight today!
Enjoy living a congruent life today... No more stage acting.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Funny cat story
A woman was relating how the family cat always plunked down wherever they happened to be. For example, if one was reading the paper, the cat would want to perch on the paper. Or if one wanted to work on the computer, the cat would sit on the mouse, and so on...
Well, one night her husband couldn’t find an important document in the house. They both looked and looked to no avail.
She prayed a bit for guidance, and while quietly listening for spiritual direction noticed that the cat was on the other side of the room coiled up on a table. It was a bit unusual for the cat to be separated from her or her hubby, and she became aware of the oddity.
A little voice within said, “Instead of the cat being where you are, maybe you’re supposed to be where the cat is!”
She obeyed.
She walked over to the cat, and ta-da, there was the document her husband had been looking for nestled underneath her warm fuzzy body.
As usual, kitty was where everyone else wanted to be all along.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Time to redefine success
All too often success has been measured in material terms, such as in the size of one’s paycheck, the number of bedrooms in one’s living quarters, a job held, the prestige garnered from position, and so on. But with lay-offs, down-sizing, declining house values, wiped out portfolios and other declines in material worth and stature, these standards for success can leave one feeling destitute and impoverished, if accepted. And this need not be. God loves us all of the time and gives us everything we need to live happily and fully no matter what story financial numbers tell.
To feel this love, though, we need to measure success in the same way God provides it.
Jesus had the right idea of success when he told his followers to seek the riches of heaven. He knew that temporal treasures brought only temporal joy and could not be relied upon for permanent happiness and support. He taught, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.” And then added, “…and all these things shall be added unto you.”
When we put seeking God first, we do not humanly lack. We spiritually gain. And this is what millions of people yearn to feel more of today—gain! And it comes from seeking the riches of Spirit which are freely available to all.
I look forward to the day when worth and value is measured more widely in spiritual terms.
Won’t it be a treat when a neighbor’s worth is seen not according to the size of his salary, but according to how much love he shows toward others?
Won’t it be a delight when the love and care a stay-at-home parent shows her children is valued as highly as the service of a CEO managing the distribution of wares?
Won’t it be a brighter day when people measure success by how much spirituality they live and experience rather than in how big their IRA has grown?
True success is spiritual.
If one’s house value has shrunk, or savings vanished, or job disappeared, it is not necessary to feel unsuccessful, for success is not according to these things. Success is turning to God for help, finding it, and living true to one’s spiritual individuality. Anyone can do this regardless of material standing and they can feel the blessings that come from being spiritually minded.
When I look at the value of some mutual funds I’ve purchased in the past, it’s tempting to get depressed. But when I realize the value of those funds have nothing to do with my eternal life and well being with God, it’s easy to find reasons to rejoice and be happy.
If you are beset by concerns of failure, you might give redefining success a try too. You’ll likely find a whole lot more to be grateful for than you realized, and feel much more successful for the effort.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Not in a crisis
Economic times are tough for many struggling with debt and searching for employment. But experience proves, one’s outlook has much to do with success.
Is the glass half empty or half full? The old proverbial question begs an answer.
If people en masse start buying into the belief that a crisis prevails, their common belief may become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Thus the need to come out and be separate as the Apostle Paul tells us.
It helps to defend our thinking from popular thinking to protect our own demonstration of supply from being influenced by a false belief of lack.
If millions of people believe in crisis, it doesn’t mean there has to be suffering for everyone. Divine Mind, and not popular belief, governs the individual relying upon spiritual truth for guidance.
I remember back in the 1980s when the farming business went into a depression. And yes, the word depression was widely used in the farming industry then. Farmers went out of business by the tens of thousands across the country. Farm-aide programs started at that time.
Yet, the majority of farmers survived, and thrived after the period passed.
In looking back, my own family dealt with the so-called crisis from the point of view that it wasn’t a crisis, but a time to be a better farmer. We knew we had the infinite resources of divine Mind to draw upon for operating the family farm.
The resources of Mind are wisdom, intelligence, creativity, flexibility, adaptability, fresh inspiration, new ideas, and improved views. As we drew upon these divine resources, we saw ways to trim budgets, reduce debt, increase yield and make better use of our equipment. We became better farmers and set the operation up to prosper quickly once the worldwide belief of depression had faded.
The below quote by Mary Baker Eddy is pertinent to the spread of biological disease as well as economical disease. I find it quite relevant to economic fears spreading through the media today.
"The press unwittingly sends forth many sorrows and diseases among the human family. It does this by giving names to diseases and by printing long descriptions which mirror images of disease distinctly in thought. A new name for an ailment affects people like a Parisian name for a novel garment. Every one hastens to get it. A minutely described disease costs many a man his earthly days of comfort. What a price for human knowledge!" Mary Baker Eddy
With the onslaught of negative financial news pouring forth through the press, these are times to be extra diligent in understanding the truth about supply.
God is the source of our supply! God is never in crisis mode, and the divine Love that meets our every human need is always on the job providing the inspiration, insight and wisdom we need to keep our financial affairs in order.
God's love is unfailing. It is continuous and constant, without lapse, shortfall or delay. This consciousness of truth is not impressed by fears of lack, but experiences and enjoys the supply it acknowledges. It engages with supply-thinking, rather than crisis-thinking, for to this consciousness there is no crisis. It sees life as full of opportunities to progress and advance.
Enjoy your supply coming from God today!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Just for fun...
Begin by standing on a comfortable surface, where you have plenty of room at each side.
With a 5-lb potato bag in each hand, extend your arms straight out from your sides and hold them there as long as you can. Try to reach a full minute, and then relax.
Each day you'll find that you can hold this position for just a bit longer. After a couple of weeks, move up to 10-lb potato bags.
Then try 50-lb potato bags and then eventually try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb potato bag in each hand and hold your arms straight for more than a full minute. (I'm at this level.)
After you feel confident at that level, put a potato in each bag.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Protect marriage from stress over finances
So, what should a couple on a tight budget do?
From a spiritual point of view, a healthy step would be to defend the marriage from worry and anxiety over money! It’s a wise pre-emptive course of action for those who want to stay happily married through tough times and flush ones.
It helps to remember that a successful marriage is not built upon a savings account, but on love.
True love can survive any financial crisis. Love endures. But we may have to defend the presence of love in our home so that family members are not tempted by impatience, fear, anger, ill-will, or any other enemy to peace and harmony that might cause temporary strain over spending priorities.
Love forgives. Love understands. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love is open-minded. Love is humble. Love unites. Love works things out. Love is wealth! When a husband and wife make expressing qualities of love a priority, misunderstandings and disagreements over how to manage money can be resolved.
It’s more important to love than to get one’s way.
Recessions are short. Love is forever.
When the riches of love are acknowledged and lived abundantly, human needs are met. Mutual understandings are established. Harmony reigns in the home. The family will have everything it needs to flourish and move forward, even if times feel tough for a while.
It takes prayer and effort to keep a marriage together and flourishing. With all the negative news blaring over the headlines about people struggling with finances, this is definitely a time to not let one's guard down and get unconsciously sucked into the belief that these fears can become our family's fears. The resources of divine Love are ample, overflowing and available to all. Our job is to put them to use and reap their benefit.
Love, love, love...we can never do enough of it.
All the best...
Monday, February 16, 2009
Staying fully employed
These trying economic times demand a spiritual perspective that enables one to stay employed and profitably engaged regardless of depressing statistics spewing over the headlines.
Employment is much more than occupying a seat in a cubicle and typing on a keyboard, or standing at a counter checking out items.
Employment is about meeting needs--genuine needs. It’s about engaging with activity that has value and worth and supplying services that improve the experience of humanity.
Times have changed, and jobs that were necessary a few years ago are no longer necessary, thus the layoffs. But humanity’s needs are greater than ever. People, by the millions, are crying out for solutions to problems they face, much more than even a few months ago. The opportunity for employment is greater than ever. People who discern these needs and meet them are going to stay fully employed.
The workers who are highest in demand are those who accurately discern the needs of customers, or potential customers, and meet them.
The ultimate demonstration of employment was Jesus Christ who never lacked for work. And he never worried about collecting a paycheck either. “The laborer is worthy of his hire,” he taught.
As Jesus went about his Father’s business of helping and healing others, his needs were met. People gave him food. Rich widows provided money for his band of workers. Even though he had enemies determined to stop him, those whom he blessed rose to his aide and met many of his temporal needs. The law of Love he lived provided for him on all sides of his experience. He never lacked.
We are all healers.
Working is about healing others, bringing solutions into their lives, discerning their needs and meeting them, unselfishly giving where there is opportunity to give and not complaining if extra unselfishness is required on our part. We are worthy of our hire, and will receive reward for success that genuinely advances the community we work in.
Employment is not watching the clock tick until 5 in the afternoon. Employment is not bidding time until retirement. Employment is not an entitlement because of seniority. Employment is not always doing what we want to do. Employment is about serving God and serving others in productive and profitable ways. It’s about being flexible, versatile, creative, ingenious, discerning, responsive, and out going. It’s about helping and healing others in need by meeting those needs.
There is more opportunity than ever for employment today for the chorus of voices rising in distress is greater than it has been in a long time. God gives us the skill, talent, ability and love necessary to respond to those calls of distress, and keep ourselves fully employed helping out. Each of us has a special employment niche to occupy, but every job comes down to the same basic task—helping and healing others.
As we look for opportunities around us to help and heal, we’ll find plenty of work to keep us fully employed.
And pay the bills too!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Separate from popular opinion
We live out what we consciously or unconsciously accept as true, so it is in our best interest to not accept any quality or condition that we do not wish to deal with.
In light of the aggressive nature of dismal economic reports these days, keeping one’s perspective above it all takes vigilance, alertness, active witness to supply and vigorous affirmations of spiritual abundance to stay protected.
One error of belief I’ve heard repeated frequently, is the temptation to think that if one’s neighbor lacks, we’re going to experience lack. For example, in the form of fewer customers, less sales, or fewer job opportunities to take advantage of. The lack that affects one, affects all, the reasoning goes.
From outward appearances it often seems this way, not because it’s a truth but because so many people believe it.
In Truth, God is the source of all income. The opportunities to demonstrate profitable business activity, full employment, and viable sales are not dependent on other people and what they are experiencing. It’s dependent upon the possibilities of divine Mind. And Mind’s options are endless.
Also, if we think our neighbor lacks, where does that picture of lack need to be corrected? Is the problem first in our neighbor, or in our own thinking about our neighbor?
When the sick and people on small budgets came to Jesus for help and healing, he didn't see them as lacking. He saw them as they spiritually were—full of health and abundance. And that spiritual view healed them of that false picture.
So, today, the economic malaise of mortal mind is calling upon our practice of Christian Science to be healers more than ever. And we can’t participate too well if we believe our neighbor lacks. We put our self at the bottom of the pit with an impoverished point of view. We’re liable to believe we lack too, which is never true.
God has enough supply to go around for everyone.
Yes, these times are demanding we rise higher than ever before to understand what true supply is and how to demonstrate it, but this demonstration is doable and possible. It includes a right view of supply, which is one of omnipresence, ever-presence, and bounty.
Inspired perspective, fresh views, creative action, ingenious application, stronger discipline, spiritual contentment, and their kin are some of the ways God helps us prove needs met.
To succeed, we must not let mortal mind pull our thinking down into the lie of lack for anyone. We are all blessed, and together we can show there is enough good to go around for everyone. God loves all of us one and the same. And that's an opinion I can agree with!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Evil on the run
So, when the following quote came through my email this morning, it caught my attention, and was simply too good not to share.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says “Oh no, she's awake!”
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Reliance on God, not on savings
Aw, I thought. She is putting more trust in her savings than she is in God! Oh, what a subtle temptation this is.
We are generally taught that savings are a good thing to have, and available to draw upon when we’re experiencing financial shortfalls. Millions of people engage this practice. I’ve done it. But, I continued to reason, is putting trust in a savings account going to make a spiritual demonstration of supply coming from God?
There must be a higher spiritual position to take, I pondered…
My job as a Christian Science practitioner is to help people find their supply needs met in God. I’ve seen divine aide at work dozens of times over the years giving people unexpected funds where there were no funds, paying expenses in seemingly miraculous ways and creating income streams where financial gain looked impossible.
God does watch out for us, but we have a role to play in allowing the divine hand to work its wonders in our financial lives. It’s a role of humility, willingness to go where God leads, and having trust in spiritual substance over cash in the wallet.
And this is the kicker, if we trust a savings account to sustain us, we’re not really trusting God, because a savings account is material, and God is Spirit.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t have savings accounts. I prefer them, actually, as a matter of wisdom to keep the wolves of lack at bay when extra demands are put upon our understanding of supply. But it is wise to not develop a sense of security based upon a savings account. It will fail us, eventually, for the lesson must be learned that God truly is our source of supply, not money.
I’ve seen this rule for demonstrating sufficiency at work in my own life. When starting my new business years ago, and having very little money at the time, I could not rely upon savings, because I didn’t have any. I learned to radically rely upon divine Mind to meet our human needs. And divine Love came through time and time again. “God is an ever present help in times of trouble.” Our savings grew over the years.
And this is the point I wanted to make, is that when our trust is truly in God, and not in money, whether identified as a savings account, trust fund, or other type of financial instrument, our savings will not diminish as we work for God. They will likely increase over the long term.
Relying upon God for supply is a radical position for the human mind to take, for it often wants to measure supply in a material way. But in reality, the spiritual is the tangible and real, not the material.
God’s ideas, wisdom, inspiration, love and understanding, flowing freely to each of us, are what meet human needs. This supply is an income stream we can count on no matter how much cash we have in the bank, or don’t have.
It’s not a savings account that sustains us over the long run. It’s God. And God is a fully furnished vault of spiritual sustenance to draw upon.
The door to this vault is wide open. Enter therein and gather what you need!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Your quality of life
Aw, I thought. That’s terrific! She really gets it. She had learned to measure her quality of life in spiritual terms, and thus was spared any sense of loss from a drop in monetary income.
She told about a group of her friends who liked to gather periodically over lunch, chat, catch up on business and support each other in their mutual work. The last time they met they selected a restaurant that was less expensive because they were all dealing with smaller budgets. But they all had just as much fun together, learned just as much from each other, and left afterward just as happy as ever. There had not been a drop in the quality of the experience just because less money was spent for the meeting.
There is a valuable spiritual lesson in this story. People might get into the habit of believing that their standard of living is measured by the expense of the clothes they buy, the restaurants they eat at, the size of their house, and how much money they have in the bank. But life teaches us differently. Quality of life is not measured materially. It’s measured spiritually, by the qualities of Love we express.
I remember the early days of my marriage. My wife and I had very little money and lived very modestly. But we were grateful for what we had, did not long for more, and focused on living a spiritual life. We were in love, enjoyed our time together, did what we could afford, and that was enough.
We have more stuff now, but I can’t say it makes us any happier. Happiness truly is spiritual, born of God and experienced in the way we live our life, not through things we own or might buy.
The amount of money circulating through the economy may be down, but our potential for living a high quality of life is not!
Life is spiritual, not material. The joys of life are spiritual, not material.
We may spend less money for the time being, but that doesn’t mean we have to express less joy, love and gratitude. Those come in abundance from God, and the ability to manifest them is freely given to each of us. They give life quality, and can be lived as much today as yesterday.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Help for down under
The rest of us around the world can help. There is something we can do to stop the ravaging.
The out of control fires are symptomatic of out-of-control thoughts sweeping through human consciousness threatening to destroy peace, home, and life. It’s a belief of mindlessness, wanton destruction, and a form of terrorism that appears unstoppable.
But it is stoppable.
We live in a universe of divine Mind where God is in control of every condition, quality and facet of existence. The one Mind orchestrates the activities of our environment and keeps the elements in harmony with each other, respecting life, protecting home and honoring civilization. The purpose of prayer is to establish the rule of heaven here on earth. “Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” There are no destructive forces in the kingdom of heaven.
We can collectively pour spiritual truth over the Australian continent, dousing the flames of fear, stopping the advance of error, and rescuing the animals, people and communities involved.
Rain clouds can appear out of nowhere, winds can work in the favor of firefighters, fuel for fires can vanish, and the seeming strength of the blazes sapped.
We do not have to outline how the fires will stop. Divine Mind can figure that part out. We must play our role, which is to know spiritual truth, know what God’s will is, and allow Christ to enter human consciousness on the behalf of our friends down under, tame the forces of nature, and reveal God’s hand at work establishing divine control.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Replace "I want" with "I have"
There was nothing wrong with acquiring the items our son desired, and we could certainly afford them, but they weren’t necessary things to have. He had fine back-ups, if you will, that worked fine for him.
When searching for a reply, I said, “Well, if you look over your whole budget, see how much money you have to spend, and decide these are priorities you want to spend your money on, you can get them.”
Truthfully, though, his budget was not big enough to buy these items! He was expecting mom and dad to foot the bill. We all knew this, but it was unspoken.
Soon the conversation ended, and peacefully so. I believe he decided quite rapidly that he had other priorities he wanted to spend his money on some day, and became content with what he had. I haven’t heard anything more about it.
I liked this outcome. By being asked to live within his means, he made an intelligent choice.
In these challenging economic times for many, the temptation looms large to think “I need, I want, I don’t have.” But when we step back from the arguments of lack and rejoice in God’s ever-present care, it’s amazing how we find contentment and peace with what we already have. It’s enough.
The joys and blessings of life are not material. They are spiritual, and they come freely from God. They are wisdom, gratitude, knowledge, understanding, cheer and love. These riches of Spirit, lived and actively expressed, build wealth, balance checking accounts, pay bills, keep us out of onerous debt, and make life a joy to live.
When we value the spiritual over the material, we make better decisions, we find contentment with what we have, we don’t crave more than we can afford, we find reasons to be grateful and enjoy the moment we’re in.
To experience more of the riches of Spirit, and live a contented life, it’s helpful to replace “I want “ with “I have.”
I have…God, love, spiritual understanding, peace of mind, trust, faith…
These spiritual states of Mind bless one from within and lead to practical solutions without. And like my son saw, we realize we have what we need. It is enough. The greater need is to be grateful for the blessings already in hand.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Stimulus that works
One fact is for sure, federal debt will increase massively, and that’s not enjoyable news to hear from anyone’s point of view.
I’ve been thinking about alternative forms of stimulus to consider.
In times of financial distress, it’s tempting to think the primary need is for more money. Obviously, bills have to be paid. But money is seldom a final solution to any financial trouble. It’s more wisdom, discipline, better planning, sounder reasoning, honesty, integrity, gratitude and their kin that build solid financial houses that stand and weather the storms of human fear, uncertainty and irrational emotion.
And where does this wisdom and insight come from? It comes from God, the source of all intelligent action to begin with.
What will benefit our economy first and foremost is a spiritual stimulus of wisdom, ethics, intelligent planning, and compassionate understanding.
Prayer opens the mental door to ideas from above that lead to the profitable and productive use of available resources. God freely dispenses these ideas to the listening mind and backs them up with the ways and means needed to fully implemented them.
I pray that every decision-maker in government listens to the divine Mind for direction and acts upon divine Wisdom coming their way.
An infusion of morally and spiritually progressive ideas from divine Mind that lead to a sounder economy for the long run is the kind of stimulus I’m rooting for right now!
"And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work." II Corinthians
Monday, February 2, 2009
Keep our head above it all
I laughed and laughed…

This picture inspires hope. I imagine those deer are going to survive the wintry weather just fine. They look expectant and grateful, and perhaps even enjoy their romp through the soft stuff. They make the best of what they have to deal with and trust their needs to be met. In a few months time, they'll be happily chomping on lush green buds and grass all around.